Website Side Racket wants you to cheat on your boss
WE'VE all got one big idea waiting to get off the ground. Now, an Aussie start-up shows you how to launch a sideline business while keeping your day job.
YOU know that one big idea you've been waiting to get off the ground?
An Australian start-up launched today is dedicated to making it happen.
Side Racket is a joint venture between Mark Hendrickson, Will Dayble, and Luke Guiliani - all of whom have founded other companies - dedicated to providing a platform for people to help their idea get up and running.
Those with an idea can post their project and attract talent to work with, while those with skills who want a project to work on can search for the place to make it happen.
Mark Hendrickson, 26, left his full-time job in banking to devote months to the project. He sees it as part of an inevitable move as people become more mobile in their career.
"Every top executive out there has one regret - that big idea - that they thought of eBay before eBay was a thing. What was stopping them was they couldn't give up their career. I can give them a stepping stone to build something up on the side, rather than make that leap," he said.
Side Racket currently has around 400 users with 110 projects on the go. Mr Hendrickson expects it to have hundreds of thousands of users, if not millions, within a few years.
The business model also allows the site to be used internally by major companies to work on delivering large projects.
It's currently self-funded, but has attracted a huge range of ideas from designing an app to finding the best steak in town to a hangout night for aspiring web developers.
Mr Hendrickson said they expect to be living on ramen noodles for a few months yet, but hope to create a free and open community where people can develop their ideas.
"We want to connect your local start-up-flavoured meetup to the maker-community on the other side of the world, and likewise connect niche-interest groups to people who've never even heard of that niche interest," he said.
What's your big idea for a side project? Continue the conversation on Twitter @NewscomauHQ | @Victoria - Craw | @SideRacket