
The worst business jargon of 2013

YOU'VE suspected it forever and now it's official. The most overused business words for 2013 are in. Read and banish them from your vocabulary forever.

Now that we've taken this conversation offline, I'm the guru on the subject. Literally. ...
Now that we've taken this conversation offline, I'm the guru on the subject. Literally. ...

EVER sat through a meeting and nodded your head at the coded gibberish coming out of your bosses mouth?

Or parroted it back with no idea what you're actually talking about?

Chances are, you've been a victim of workplace jargon - that particular language found in offices all around the country.

Now Global Language Monitorhas published a list of the most overused business words of 2013, Business Etcreports.

It complements their previous list of the most commonly used words in 2013, and is based on trawling websites, blogs, social media and the top 275,000 global media outlets.

Here's a list of the most overused business words in 2013. Read and eliminate them from your vocabulary forever.

1. Content

2. Social media

3. Sustainability

4. Transparency

5. Literally

6. Guru

7. Use/use

8. Robust

9. Ping

10. Big data

11. Nouns used as verbs (to concept, to ballpark, to impact)

12. Seamless

13. Moving forward

14. The cloud

15. Offline

What's your most hated piece of business speak? Tell us in the comments below or continue the conversation on Twitter @NewscomauHQ


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