Tony Abbott blames ‘toxic egos’ for Parliament’s problems
FORMER prime minister Tony Abbott has offered an interesting explanation for the crisis the Turnbull Government finds itself in.
FORMER prime minister Tony Abbott has offered a surprising explanation for the current turmoil the Turnbull Government find itself in.
Speaking on Sky News, Mr Abbott had a dig at politicians on both sides of politics, saying their “toxic egos” were to blame for Parliament’s problems.
Asked about the disastrous fallout from the dual citizenship crisis, Mr Abbott said individuals were to blame.
“The great historical forces do play a part, but let’s not underestimate the role of individuals as well,” he said.
“Perhaps on both sides of parliament, it’s been the toxic egos, and I think this has been part of our problem.
“Too many people have put themselves first and not their country.”
The outspoken backbencher, who has in the past been described as having an “ego as big as Phar Lap’s heart”, did not specify whether he himself was part of the problem.
During the interview, Mr Abbott also managed to take a swipe at Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull’s decision to delay the next parliamentary sitting saying he would not have made the same call.
“You might not always want to go back to parliament, but you always have to go back to parliament, because that’s your job,” he said.
Responding to the comment on Channel 9 this morning, Mr Turnbull insisted he hadn’t done anything wrong.
“Parliament is coming back,” he told Today.
“All we have done is take the two weeks of sittings that were scheduled from November 27 and moved them forward a week to start on December 4.”
Mr Turnbull said the reason for the decision was to “deliver on the commitment to legislate same-sex marriage before the end of the year”.
Mr Turnbull has enlisted former immigration minister Philip Ruddock to assess Australia’s religious protection laws which are being debated as part of the proposed changes to the Marriage Act.
In an interview with Nine on Wednesday morning, Mr Ruddock said he would bring a “considered view” to the subject.
“For me, protection of the right to freedom of religion is a very important right ... you need to get the balance right,” he said.
Asked how he thought Mr Turnbull was performing in the top job, Mr Ruddock said: “I think the Prime Minister has a difficult wicket on which to bat, and he does an outstanding job.”