
Queensland wannabe premier’s Embarrassing Sunrise slip-up

QUEENSLAND Opposition Leader Tim Nicholls has been avoiding one question, but he may have given the answer away in an embarrassing slip of the tongue on live TV.

Tim Nicholls' One Nation slip

QUEENSLAND premier hopeful Tim Nicholls has made an embarrassing slip during an interview on Seven’s Sunrise, potentially giving away something he’s been trying to avoid answering for the entire election campaign.

A day out from the state election, the Liberal National Party leader accidentally hinted he would consider accepting support from One Nation in the event his party was voted in with a minority government.

Mr Nicholls avoided giving a straight answer over whether he would accept the controversial minor party’s votes, but stumbled a little when pressed on the issue.

“The simple message is, if you want a government, a stable majority government with the financial credentials to deliver jobs, to cut your cost of living, to reduce power bills, to invest in infrastructure, then the best thing to do is support your local LNP, One, uh … LNP candidate at the election,” he told Channel 7.

Did he almost say LNP-One Nation there for a moment? It sure sounded like it with interviewer Monique Wright immediately commenting on Mr Nicholls’ apparent “slip of the tongue”.

The wannabe premier explained away the election eve gaffe in a Sky News interview later in the morning, blaming the slip on a long run of campaigning.

“Oh look you know, busy days and things happen, but I’m very very clear and I have been throughout the campaign, that the best way to get jobs, to see investment in the roads … is to support your local LNP candidate,” Mr Nicholls said.

Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk leapt on the gaffe, tweeting a clip of her opponent’s unfortunate slip-up with the comment: “The choice tomorrow is clear — my good, stable, decent government or a Tim Nicholls LNP-One Nation chaotic coalition.”

The Labor leader has ruled out doing deals with One Nation, even if she requires cross bench support to govern.

Asked by Today host Karl Stefanovic this morning “will you form government with One Nation?”, the Premier simply replied: “No.”

Following Ms Palaszczuk’s blunt answer, Stefanovic commented to Mr Nicholls on the program: “Tim, it’s not hard is it?”

Mr Nicholls repeatedly refused to say if he would accept One Nation’s support to form government in Queensland.

RELATED: Everything you need to know about the Queensland election

“Will you take One Nation preferences?” Stefanovic asked Mr Nicholls this morning.

The LNP leader answered: “There are no good choices when it comes to preferences ... there’s no deal, no coalition, no room at the Cabinet table”.

One Nation Leader Senator Pauline Hanson (second left) speaks with candidate Neil Symes (left) at a polling station in Masfield, south of Brisbane while campaigning for the Queensland election. Picture: Mick Tsikas/AAP
One Nation Leader Senator Pauline Hanson (second left) speaks with candidate Neil Symes (left) at a polling station in Masfield, south of Brisbane while campaigning for the Queensland election. Picture: Mick Tsikas/AAP

But Stefanovic persisted, asking again and again: Will you take One Nation preferences?”

Mr Nicholls tried to deflect saying: “Karl you are trying to wind me up ... I’m not going to fall for it, I am going to respect the will of the people of Queensland”.

Stefanovic’s response? ... “Will you take One Nation preferences?”

Mr Nicholls repeated: “As I have said we will deal with the Parliament that the people of Queensland elect”.

Despite being asked the question repeatedly, Mr Nicholls refused to buckle.

“You haven’t answered the question,” Stefanovic said.

“How can you lead the party, how can you lead Queensland when you can’t answer a basic question?”

Turning to Queensland leader of One Nation Steve Dickson, Stefanovic asked if there had been any secret talks with Labor or LNP leaders about preferences.

“Not at all,” Mr Dickson said.

Mr Dickson said One Nation were keen to win as many seats as possible.

“We would love to win government. The reality is we will probably end up with the balance of power.”

According to a new Galaxy poll, the Premier may not need to rely on One Nation or any other support outside her party for Labor to govern in its own right.

The surprise poll has Labor leading the Opposition 58 — 42 on a two-party preferred basis.

The Labor Government appears to have picked up support in the south-east, while falling out of favour with regional Queensland, particularly up north where the LNP is in the lead.

Previous polling indicated a tight result so preferences could be crucial.

One Nation and Katter’s Australia Party were confident they would win at least eight seats, which all but guarantees a hung parliament.

Labor leader Annastacia Palaszczuk has continually said her government will not do deals with One Nation, but it’s speculated she may be forced to court the party’s support.

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