
Senator Eric Abetz lashes ‘gutless’ colleagues as government ministers scrap over gay marriage vote

WOAH, Eric Abetz, tell them what you really think. One of the government’s leading ministers has absolutely cut loose.

Minister for Employment Senator Eric Abetz has called his colleagues ‘gutless’.
Minister for Employment Senator Eric Abetz has called his colleagues ‘gutless’.

A SENIOR Abbott minister has not only admitted divisions in Cabinet but confirmed all those leaks you read are actually on the money.

Employment Minister Eric Abetz called some of his colleagues “gutless” for telling journalists what was really going on between ministers inside the Cabinet room, questioning their motives.

Today’s outburst adds to the perception of strain within the ministry, after Prime Minister Tony Abbott said yesterday he had read the riot act to his colleagues and ordered them to “follow the script”.

The order comes amid public scrapping between senior Liberals over the handling of possible same-sex marriage legislation, and clashing demands between those who want a constitutional referendum and those who prefer an opinion survey plebiscite. Scott Morrison and George Brandis are among those who have traded blows.

“I think it’s gutless. It’s a breach of the rules,” Senator Abetz, who is Government Leader in the Upper House, said of the media leaks.

“If somebody is gutless and in breach of the rules, one really wonders why a journalist even bothers to repeat comments from such an individual.

“Every now and then you have these breakouts, which are unfortunate. Those journalists that deal with those people should be asking the question: What motivates?”

Meanwhile, Tony Abbott wants his ministers to talk only about jobs, growth and community safety.

The PM today simply noted “everyone knows the rules” when asked about Senator Abetz’ comments.

Treasurer Joe Hockey stuck to the official line, deflecting a question about Mr Abbott’s grip on the leadership by saying, “As I’m concerned, it’s jobs, jobs, jobs.”

He also told Melbourne’s 3AW: “There has been a temptation for some to pass comment on other issues.”.

Meanwhile, Tony Abbott checks out the back end of some cattle in Yass.
Meanwhile, Tony Abbott checks out the back end of some cattle in Yass.

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