

Live coverage: Results from the Nevada caucuses

One candidate has surged ahead of the rest in the race for the Democratic presidential nomination - and the party is starting to panic.

Democratic frontrunner Bernie Sanders. Picture: Timothy Clary/AFP
Democratic frontrunner Bernie Sanders. Picture: Timothy Clary/AFP

One candidate has blown past the others to become the overwhelming favourite for the Democratic Party's presidential nomination.

Thousands of votes still need to be counted in the state of Nevada, which held its presidential caucuses today. But the basic result is already clear.

Senator Bernie Sanders has won the state, adding to his victory in New Hampshire 10 days ago - and solidifying his status as the most likely candidate to take on Donald Trump in November's general election.

Behind him is a logjam of rivals fighting for a distant second place.

Results from Nevada are still rolling in, and there will be plenty of reaction as well. Read on for the latest news.


Wrapping things up

That is where we'll leave our coverage of the Nevada results.

We're still stuck at 43 per cent of precincts reporting, but the results seem pretty clear – Bernie Sanders is the comprehensive winner, with 47 per cent of delegate equivalents at this stage.

Joe Biden and Pete Buttigieg trail way behind with 19 and 15 per cent respectively.

The next big event in the campaign is a debate in South Carolina on Wednesday, our time. Then we have the South Carolina primary a week from today.

Come on back for our coverage of both.

Picture: AP

'Stupid': Sanders critic unleashes

Democratic strategist James Carville – not a fan of Bernie Sanders, to put it lightly – unleashed quite the rant on MSNBC today, ripping into the frontrunner's strategy to beat Donald Trump.

Mr Sanders has argued his campaign will inspire high turnout from young people and other core Democratic constituencies.

"The entire theory that by expanding the electorate, increasing turnout, you can win elections, is the equivalent of climate denying. When people say that, they are as stupid to a political scientist as a climate denier is to an atmospheric scientist," Carville said today.

"If you want to vote for Bernie Sanders because you feel good about his program, you don't like the banks on Wall St or you don't like pharmaceuticals, that's completely legitimate. I understand that.

"If you're voting for him because you think he'll win the election, because he'll galvanise heretofore sleepy parts of an electorate, then politically, you're a fool. That's just a fact.

"There's so much political science, so much research on this that it's not even a debatable question. And if people are appraised of this, and they know that, and the want to do it as Democrats, that's their own business.

"But I don't think they have all the facts that they need before they make this judgment going forward."

He went on to label the Sanders strategy "political suicide".

You'll probably hear more of this stuff in the coming weeks as more moderate Democrats panic at the prospect of Mr Sanders winning the nomination.

You can watch Carville's commentary below, complete with a rather glorious accent.

Warren savages Michael Bloomberg

Elizabeth Warren waited quite a while to address her supporters in Seattle, speaking a few hours after her rivals.

She thanked the voters in Nevada, and brought up her widely praised debate performance earlier this week, which led to an influx of donations.

"Thank you for keeping me in the fight," Ms Warren said.

"Since Wednesday night, our support has been growing everywhere. Since I stepped on that stage, a quarter of a million people have gone to and pitched in their 25 bucks.

"In three says, people have contributed $9 million to this campaign. This fight is our fight.

"We have a lot of states to go, and right now I can feel the momentum."

She proceeded to launch quite the broadside against Michael Bloomberg, describing him as a big, looming threat – "not a tall one, but a big one".

That was a quip about Mr Bloomberg's height.

"He plans to come in here on Super Tuesday (in early March), drop hundreds of millions of dollars, and buy this election.

"He argues that he is the safest bet to beat Donald Trump. He's not safe, he's just rich.

"He's hiding his taxes, he doesn't want you to see them until after the election. Who knows what's lurking there?

"He has a history of harassing women, and of gender discrimination. And he has defended racist policies.

"So let's think about that. Billionaire who hides his taxes, has a bad history with women and defends racist policies. Let me just put it this way, we're not substituting one arrogant billionaire for another in 2020.

"This election is not for sale."

Listening to that, I honestly felt like I had stepped into an alternative universe – one in which Mr Bloomberg was the one running away with the Democratic nomination, not Bernie Sanders.

All the major candidates have now spoken. None of them have dropped out of the race to consolidate support behind an alternative to Mr Sanders. And only one of the guy's four main rivals has really gone after him.

Once again, that's all great news for Bernie.

Bloomberg hits out at Bernie

Billionaire Michael Bloomberg wasn't on the ballot in Nevada, but he is still looming in the background, ready to officially enter the fray in a series of states that vote in early March.

Mr Bloomberg's campaign manager Kevin Sheekey has released a statement about the Nevada results.

"The Nevada results reinforce the reality that this fragmented field is putting Bernie Sanders on pace to amass an insurmountable delegate lead," Mr Sheekey said.

"This is a candidate who just declared war on the so-called 'Democratic establishment.'

"We are going to need independents and Republicans to defeat Trump. Attacking your own party is no way to get started

"As Mike says, if we choose a candidate who appeals to a small base – like Senator Sanders – it will be a fatal error."

Mr Bloomberg bombed at the Nevada debate this week, but given he's already spent hundreds of millions of dollars in the upcoming states, he isn't going anyway.

Results still crawling in

It's been, what, four-and-a-half hours since we started this blog? And the Nevada Democratic Party has still only reported results from 11 per cent of precincts.

After the debacle of the Iowa caucuses a few weeks ago – we didn't have an official result there until the day after people voted – this is once again a bad look for the convoluted caucus process.

Thankfully for the party, this time the result is not in doubt. But the count is still an extraordinarily slow burn.

Picture: CNN

Fired up Sanders claims victory

Bernie Sanders has addressed a very happy crowd of supporters in San Antonio, Texas, where he campaigned today.

"Don't tell anybody, I don't want to get them nervous, we are going to win the Democratic primary in Texas," he said.

"And you know, this is also important. The President gets very, very upset easily, so don't tell him that we're going to beat him here in Texas."

For context, Texas has voted Republican for decades. If the Democrats were to win it in November, Donald Trump would be toast.

Mr Sanders proceeded to reel off his impressive list of results in the primaries so far.

"All of you know we won the popular vote in Iowa. We won the New Hampshire primary. And according to three networks and the AP, we have now won the Nevada caucus," he said. The crowd loved that.

"We have just put together a multi-generational, multiracial coalition, which is going to not only win in Nevada, it's going to sweep this country.

"No campaign has a grassroots movement like we do, which is another reason why we're going to win this election."

He then targeted Mr Trump directly, and contrasted himself with the President, promising to deliver "agenda that works for the working people of this country".

"The American people are sick and tired of a President who lies all of the time. They are sick and tired of a corrupt administration. They are sick and tired of a President who is undermining American democracy, who thinks he is above the law, and who apparently has never read the Constitution," said Mr Sanders.

"The American people are sick and tired of a government which is based on greed, corruption and lies. They want an administration which is based on the principles of justice. Economic justice. Social justice. Racial justice. And environmental justice.

"Trump and his friends think they are going to win this election by dividing our people up based on the colour of their skin or where they were born, or their religion, or their sexual orientation. We are going to win because we are doing exactly the opposite. We're bringing our people together."

Mr Sanders spoke for a long time, and the TV networks eventually cut away from him. Though I will note that CNN, for example, showed about 20 minutes of his speech, as opposed to two or three minutes for each of the candidates who spoke earlier.

That's a great sign for Mr Sanders. The more people see your message, the better.

Another good sign? He was very much in frontrunner mode – attacking Mr Trump and ignoring the other Democratic candidates entirely. In other words, he was acting like the presumptive nominee.

Pete Buttigieg attacks Sanders

Former South Bend mayor Pete Buttigieg just spoke to his supporters.

Unlike Joe Biden and Amy Klobuchar, who delivered pretty benign and positive speeches earlier, Mr Buttigieg used his to bluntly go after Bernie Sanders.

"I congratulate Senator Sanders on a strong showing today, knowing that we share many of the same ideals," he said.

"But before we rush to nominate Senator Sanders, let us take a sober look at what is at stake, for our party, our values and those with the most to lose.

"We absolutely must defeat Donald Trump and everything that he represents in November.

"We share these ideals, but I believe the best way to defeat Donald Trump is to broaden and galvanise the majority that supports us."

It's a simple argument – nominating Mr Sanders, a self-described "socialist", would risk handing the general election to Donald Trump.

But no other candidate has laid it out quite so explicitly before now.

Also, note the part about the Democrats "rushing to nominate" Mr Sanders. That was an implicit acknowledgement that, at the moment, Mr Sanders is running away with the nomination.

Mr Biden and Ms Klobuchar both fell back on the more traditional political strategy of pretending everything was going well.

Mr Buttigieg accused Mr Sanders of offering "an inflexible, ideological revolution that leaves out most Democrats, not to mention most Americans".

He said Mr Sanders would "go beyond reform" and instead "reorder the economy" in a way most of the country would not support.

And he argued for a different tone – one of "belonging", that would bring more of the country on board with the Democrats' agenda.

"We must bring an end to the viciousness and the bullying that is tearing apart our country. We must change what it feels like to live in the United States of America," he said.

Mr Sanders is due to speak soon, so you'll get to hear his counter-argument too.

Oh, and a crucial detail – Mr Buttigieg asked his supporters to help him raise $13 million to stay competitive through Super Tuesday in early March.

In other words, he's running out of money.

Nomination is 'Bernie's to lose'

Polling guru Nate Silver is always worth listening to, and he has a simple takeway from Nevada – the Democratic nomination could still be taken from Bernie Sanders, should another candidate rise to challenge him.

But at the moment, it's definitely his to lose.

'We're alive': Joe Biden upbeat

At the moment, former vice president Joe Biden looks set to finish in second place in Nevada. Addressing his supporters just now, he sounded pretty upbeat.

"Y'all did it for me. Now we're going to go on to South Carolina, and win, and take it back," Mr Biden said.

"I feel really good. You put me in a position – you know the press is ready to declare people dead quickly, but we're alive and we're coming back and we're going to win.

"I think we're in a position now to move on in a way that we haven't been until this moment. I think we're going to go, we're going to win in South Carolina. And then Super Tuesday, and we are on our way."

Like Amy Klobuchar earlier, Mr Biden is putting an optimistic spin on things.

Should he end up in second place here, that is obviously an improvement on his performance in the first two states – he came fourth in Iowa and fifth in New Hampshire.

But the guy winning Nevada, Bernie Sanders, has more than twice as many votes as Mr Biden.

The former vice president needs to win South Carolina next week. Second place will not be good enough.

Donald Trump weighs in

The President delighted in Michael Bloomberg's spectacular faceplant in the debate earlier this week.

RELATED: Bloomberg suffers $460 million humiliation

Mr Bloomberg was not a candidate in Nevada, but Donald Trump is still keen to rub it in. And he's continuing to say relatively nice things about Bernie Sanders.

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