Dominic Perrottet: Who are his parents, wife and children?
He’s made headlines in recent days for his controversial views, but above all else NSW’s new Premier pegs himself as a family man. Here’s everything you need to know.
He’s made headlines this week for his controversial beliefs and eyebrow-raising comments – which extend to warning supporters of abortion they were on the “wrong side of history”, opposing same-sex marriage and attacking the “pronoun police” who encourage the use of gender neutral language.
But newly-minted NSW Premier Dominic Perrottet, the youngest politician to ever serve in the role, wants his state to see him in a different light: as its first “Premier for families”.
“Up until now all our Liberal premiers have been infrastructure premiers. Building the roads, the rail, the schools and the hospitals for communities right across our state and that will not change with me,” he said in his first public address, after being sworn in as Premier on Tuesday.
“But I’ll also be a family Premier, focusing on how we can make life better for working families. Living the liberal values of opportunity, aspiration and hard work.”
Through his political career, Mr Perrottet has frequently cited his own upbringing, often paying tribute to his parents and wife, Helen. Here’s everything you need to know about the Premier’s family life.
Perrottet is one of 12 children
Mr Perrottet grew up in Sydney’s West Pennant Hills, attending the Roman Catholic school Redfield College in Dural, which is run by Opus Dei priests.
The third of 12 children (a 13th died of a congenital abnormality at birth), Mr Perrottet’s parents, John, who works at the World Bank developing tourism projects, and Anne, a primary school teacher, “didn’t go into married life with a plan to have a dozen kids”, John told The Sydney Morning Herald’s Good Weekend in 2019.
“Dominic is the third eldest and was a boisterous child. His brain really goes at a thousand miles an hour,” he added.
“When he was three or four, it would go so fast his mouth really couldn’t keep up. You had to calm him down a bit but that’s because he’s got a very fertile mind.”
Mr Perrottet has repeatedly spoken of the “privilege of growing up in a large family”, paying tribute when he entered Parliament a decade ago to his own mother in his maiden speech.
“As you may imagine, my mother ran a very tight ship,” he said.
“But with so many of us around, she realised very quickly she could not get everything done by herself. I polished 12 pairs of shoes in summer. I packed 12 lunches in autumn. I changed 1200 nappies in winter and then changed them again in spring.”
The Premier told Good Weekend his upbringing “set me in good stead for politics because everyone was having a crack at each other”.
“Growing up in an environment where you are debating each other was really fostered in our family; the best way to beat people is debating through humour and not to take yourself too seriously,” he said.
‘I certainly chose my wife. And I chose very well’
As well as paying tribute a number of times to his own mother, the Premier has also repeatedly thanked his “amazing wife” Helen.
A former Australian Federal Police officer, Ms Perrottet worked in public relations for the Australian Defence Force, studied law at night and is now a high-powered solicitor.
“My amazing wife, Helen, knows the demands of work and family that we as Australians face in the 21st century,” Mr Perrottet said in his maiden speech.
“For many years while working full time in numerous jobs, including the Australian Federal Police and the Australian Defence Force, Helen also worked late into the night completing a law degree at night school.
“Late into the night she applied herself to her studies and cared for her family. I am immensely proud of her as a talented professional, as a soulmate, and above all as a mother who continues to give everything she has to her two children,” he said back in 2011. The couple have since added four more siblings to their family.
While he said he hadn’t been able to choose his parents, “I certainly chose my wife. And I chose very well.”
The couple have six kids
The Premier somewhat followed in his parent’s footsteps – he and his wife have six children: five daughters, Charlotte, Amelia, Annabelle, Harriet and Beatrice; and a son, William.
“What I learnt from Dad is that time is precious when you’re at home. It’s challenging to balance work and family life and make sure that when you’re home, you’re home, not somewhere else,” Mr Perrottet told Good Weekend.
“It’s something he’s instilled in me: you get your happiness and joy in life from your family.”
The 39-year-old was asked on Tuesday about whether he can manage being the NSW Premier and juggling six children.
“You said you were going to be the first Premier for families. If you were a female leader, you would be asked how you can manage being Premier and also the parent of six children, so I think it is fair to ask you that today,” the reporter said.
“What do you think?”
The newly appointed Liberal leader confessed it would be “demanding” and balancing work and family life is challenging for every person across the state.
“I think what I might lose in time, I gain in perspective. Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses, and I am no different to that, but one thing I do know is that I have a very strong team around me,” Mr Perrottet said.
“I have a strong family and I have a strong ministerial team who will ensure that our focus is on the people of NSW.
“Yes I have family commitments, but that should not disqualify one from the job.”