Democratic convention live: Joe Biden delivers acceptance speech
In a scathing speech accepting the Democratic nomination, Joe Biden slammed Donald Trump for his worst "failure" as President.
Welcome back to our live coverage of the Democratic National Convention in the United States.
We have made it to the final day of this week-long political gabfest, and I'm starting to think these Democrats don't like Donald Trump very much.
Yesterday, former president Barack Obama unleashed an extraordinary attack on the man who replaced him in the White House. And for once, I'm not using the word "extraordinary" to make a boring politician's boring speech sound less boring for you. It really was unprecedented for a former president to go after his successor the way Mr Obama did.
Here, have a related link.
RELATED: Why Barack Obama's speech slamming Trump was so unusual
Today is all about the guy who wants to replace Donald Trump, Joe Biden. The Democratic candidate is giving his speech accepting the party's nomination, and if you aren't thrilled at the prospect of listening to an old man stumble over words he's reading off a teleprompter for 40 minutes, then quite frankly there's no helping you.
Read on for all the latest news from the US.