
Bombshell endorsement rocks presidential race as Donald Trump’s rivals unleash

REELING under an onslaught of attacks after yesterday’s debate, Donald Trump had to do something drastic. And he surprised all.

Marco Rubio Mocks Donald Trump At Rally

THE Republican presidential race exploded overnight, as frontrunner Donald Trump countered an onslaught of attacks with the bombshell endorsement of a former rival.

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, who ended his own presidential campaign after the New Hampshire primary earlier this month, joined Trump at a press conference to announce his support for the real estate magnate, saying “there is no better fighter” and no candidate more likely to defeat Democrat Hillary Clinton in November’s general election.

“We need a strong, tough leader to restore America’s greatness,” Christie said. “I guarantee you that the one person that Hillary and Bill Clinton do not want to see on that stage is Donald Trump.”

Christie is an influential governor who was once viewed as a potential president himself. His endorsement is a major coup for Trump, who has virtually no support among figures in the mainstream Republican Party, despite his dominance in the polls.


It’s also a monumental about-face from Christie, who had previously attacked Trump’s temperament and electability.

“I just don’t think he’s suited to be president of the United States,” Christie toldFox News in August. “I don’t think his temperament is suited for that and I don’t think his experience is.”

In December, responding to Trump’s plan to ban all Muslims from entering the US, Christie said: “What you need is a president who has the experience and know-how ... not someone who’s just going to talk off the top of their head.”

Marco Rubio Mocks Donald Trump At Rally

“We do not need reality TV in the Oval Office right now,” he said before the Iowa caucuses. “President of the United States is not the place for an entertainer.”

And before he suspended his own campaign, Christie suggested Trump’s nomination “could wind up turning the White House over to Hillary for four more years”.

It’s quite a transformation. Having savaged Trump in the past, Christie is now his most valuable cheerleader.


Christie’s unexpected endorsement interrupted the news cycle just as Trump’s biggest remaining challenger, Florida Senator Marco Rubio, was building up a head of steam. Rubio, who attacked Trump mercilessly in yesterday’s debate and seemed to rattle him, had spent the day further escalating his feud with the frontrunner, labelling him a “con artist”.

Republican presidential candidates Marco Rubio Donald Trump argue.
Republican presidential candidates Marco Rubio Donald Trump argue.

“It is time to open our eyes and see what’s happening here. The charade is up. This is a con job,” Rubio said at a rally in Texas.

“We have a con artist as the frontrunner in the Republican Party. A guy who has made a career out of telling people lies so they’ll come in and buy his product.

“If you nominate me, you will have a conservative who unites the Republican Party and brings us together after this circus act we’ve had to live with for nine months.”

Rubio didn’t stop there. Drawing on the energy generated by his debate performance, the 44-year-old turned one of Trump’s insults back against him.

“He called me Mr Meltdown. Let me tell you something. Last night in the debate, during one of the breaks, two of the breaks, he went backstage and he was having a meltdown,” Rubio told his supporters.

“First he had this little makeup thing applying makeup around his moustache, because he had one of those sweat moustaches. Then he asked for a full-length mirror. I don’t know why ... maybe to make sure his pants weren’t wet.”


Rubio, who’d previously focused his attacks on candidates other than Trump, finally unleashed on the frontrunner during yesterday’s debate. He teamed up with another rival, Texas Senator Ted Cruz, to question Trump’s temperament, honesty and knowledge.

Responding to a question about illegal immigration, Rubio hammered Trump for employing illegal immigrants for the construction of his most famous building, Trump Tower, and accused him of hiring “a significant number of people from other countries to take jobs that Americans could have filled”.

“You’re the only person on this stage that’s been fined for hiring people to work on your projects illegally,” he said.

Trump responded by pointing out Rubio’s lack of experience in business, but that only played into another line of attack.

“I don’t know anything about bankrupting companies,” Rubio shot back, referring to Trump’s four bankruptcies. “I don’t know anything about starting a fake university.”

Trump is currently involved in lawsuits alleging his so-called Trump University defrauded its students, who claim they learned nothing useful after paying $36,000.

When the conversation later turned to health care, Rubio repeatedly pushed Trump to outline his plans. Trump rehashed the same answer over and over, and Rubio pounced.

“Now he’s repeating himself,” he said, before reeling off Trump’s usual talking points. “Everyone’s dumb, he’s going to make America great again, win win win, he’s winning in the polls. And the lines around the states. Every night, same thing!”

The crowd applauded gleefully, and Trump fumed. But less than 24 hours later, he was back in control — thanks to Chris Christie’s bombshell.

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