Assange, Keating named among Australia’s top 10 figures of all time
A FORMER government advisor has compiled a very surprising list of the greatest political figures in Australian history.
WHAT makes a leader great? And has Australia ever had a truly great political leader?
Apparently we have had 10 -- including several you have probably never heard of.
A former top political advisor has compiled a definitive list of the greatest political figures in Australian history and it is nothing if not surprising.
John Adams has warned that “hyperpartisanship” and relentless attempts to seize power by the political class has sent Australia into a “national decline”.
In an effort to stop this descent, the one-time economics and policy advisor has released his list, which he says should be taught in schools and be the subject of a national debate.
He has measured each figure against six key criteria:
1. Personal Courage
2. Acted in the public/national interest
3. Leadership
4. Foresight
5. Consistency
6. Impact
Adams, a former advisor to political supremo Arthur Sinodinos, as well as a former management consultant for a major accounting firm and public servant within the Commonwealth and NSW public services, says we need to be reminded of a better class of political leader to rescue Australia from its “current perilous state”.
“Unfortunately, a significant majority of the current political class are obsessed with obtaining and maintaining power. As a result, they are unwilling to lead and take significant political and personal risks, but rather pursue deeply ideological agendas which do not align with the pressing public policy concerns of the Australian people,” he says.
“Moreover, many contemporary politicians seek to politicise every possible issue under the sun and employ hyper-partisan divide and conquer tactics, with the objective of pitting one Australian against another, in the hope that Australians become frustrated with the opposing side.
“Hopefully, this top 10 list can trigger a national debate about the state of national decline Australia currently finds herself in and the rotten political class which is responsible for placing Australia in the current perilous state.”
The list will no doubt be controversial – there are at least two notable omissions, possibly more the fault of history than of the author. And, coming from a former Coalition warrior, many of the names on it will be a major surprise – as will several whom you probably have never heard of. There is also one major name that failed to make the grade.*
See if you can pick the three unusual absences – my answers are below. In the meantime, here is John Adams’ list of …
Australia’s Top 10 Greatest Political Figures of all Time
1. Joseph Lyons
Former Labor Premier of Tasmania and Cabinet Minister in the Scullin Government, Lyons quit Federal Cabinet in January 1931 and later in March quit the ALP over the federal caucus’ decision to reappoint Ted Theodore as Treasurer. Theodore advocated significant money supply and credit expansion by the Commonwealth Bank to finance the Australian Government’s significant expenditure and debts during the credit crisis of the Great Depression.
Concerned by the collapse of confidence among Australia’s creditors in London that Australia would struggle to meet its debt obligations and reminded by Germany’s 1923 experience with hyperinflation, Lyons advocated for sound money and for significant cuts in public spending and wages across the Australian economy.
Lyons went on to unite with conservative parliamentarians to become the Leader of the United Australia Party and the Leader of the Opposition. Lyons’ courage and principled resolve resulted in him being elected as Australia’s 10th Prime Minister, winning 3 elections in total until his death in office in 1939. Lyons’ economic policies during the Great Depression resulted in the Australia economy enjoying a faster economic recovery relative to the US economy which was the leading economy in the world.
2. Julian Assange
Founder of the Wikileaks which is an international organisation with a perfect 10.5 year publishing record of the secrets of Government and major corporations. Driven by the political philosophy that citizens have a right to be informed about the true nature of government and corporate activity, Wikileaks has revealed information which has allowed citizens around the world to make superior political judgements and decisions when participating in democratic elections.
Assange’s courage and body of work has made him a global hero to millions around the world. He single-handedly changed the tide of the 2016 US election by exposing corrupt behaviour at the Democratic National Committee and by exposing significant contradictions between Hillary Clinton’s public and private policy positions.
Still controversial, Assange’s body of work has resulted in him becoming an effective political prisoner in the Ecuadorian embassy in London, where he has remained for four years.
3. John Hewson
Leader of the Opposition and of the federal Liberal Party between 1990 and 1993. John Hewson fought the 1993 election on his Fightback package, which was the boldest economic policy reform package ever to be launched by a parliamentary opposition in Australian political history. While losing the 1993 election, Hewson’s courage to fight an election on significant tax and other economic reforms paved the way for the Howard Government’s success in implementing tax reform after the 1998 election.
4. Peter Lalor
Leader of the Eureka Reform League and the Eureka Rebellion in 1854. The Eureka Reform League passed resolutions affirming the right of the people to full representation, manhood suffrage, the abolition of the property qualification for members, payment of members, short Parliaments, and the abolition of the Gold Commission and the diggers’ licenses.
Lalor was shot in the left arm during the raid on the Eureka Stockade on the morning of 3 December 1854 which required amputation. As a result of the actions Peter Lalor and the Eureka Reform League, the Electoral Act 1856 was passed by the Victorian Parliament which expanded the electoral franchise of Victorians and for the first time in the western world introduced the ‘secret ballot’ as part of the electoral process which was soon adopted around the world and has become a global standard for free and fair elections.
5. John Hatton
NSW Parliament Independent member for the South Coast from 1977 to 1995. John Hatton campaigned tirelessly against police corruption and also worked courageously to expose mafia crime around Griffith. Hatton’s parliamentary body of work led to the formation of the Royal Commission into the NSW Police Service in 1994. The Royal Commission uncovered hundreds of instances of bribery, money laundering, drug trafficking, fabrication of evidence, destruction of evidence, fraud and serious assaults in just the detective division of the Kings Cross patrol.
The Royal Commission led to widespread reform of the NSW Police Force and the establishment of the NSW Police Integrity Commission.
6. George Gipps
Governor of New South Wales between 1838 and 1846. During his tenure as Governor, Gipps was the first governor in Australian history to take aggressive unpopular action to punish white perpetrators of the mass murder of Indigenous Australians and to prevent further mass murders from occurring. Governor Gipps believed that Indigenous Australians were entitled to protection under the law.
Famously, in response to the Myall Massacre in which 28 Indigenous men, women and children were murdered and burnt (in some cases alive), Governor Gipps commissioned an investigation of the massacre, ordered a retrial after the first trial found the accused not guilty and then took on the powerful and well-funded interests as well as widespread outrage within Sydney by following through on the execution of seven men who were found guilty during the second trial.
7. John Curtin
As Australia’s 14th Prime Minister between 1941 to 1945, Curtin led Australia during the country’s darkest hours in World War 2. Having been a part of the British Empire since 1788, John Curtin displayed significant courage in confronting Winston Churchill after the significant defeat in Singapore at the hands of Japan.
Fearing that Australia’s national survival was hanging in the balance, John Curtin switched Australia’s military allegiances from the United Kingdom to the United States which resulted in Australia’s national survival, the establishment of the ANZUS treaty and a 70+ year military, intelligence and economic partnership which is still in place today.
8. Paul Keating
Commonwealth Treasurer and 24th Prime Minister from 1983 to 1996. Paul Keating should significant leadership in driving major economic reform throughout the 1980s and 1990s, including the floating of the Australian dollar, bank deregulation, trade reform, the 1985 tax summit and subsequent reform package, privatisation reform, competition reform, establishment of the superannuation system, the establishment of the Council of Australian Governments and the 1993 industrial relations reform package which introduced generational reform.
Keating also showed enormous courage and leadership during the 1986 balance of payments crisis when he warned Australia risked become a ‘banana republic’ if the country did not confront its economic challenges. As a result, Paul Keating cut commonwealth spending and went on to deliver 3 budget surpluses.
As Prime Minister, Paul Keating provided visionary leadership on Australia’s future inevitable relationship with Asia, played a key role in the establishment of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Forum (APEC) and on Indigenous reconciliation through his famous 1992 Redfern speech.
9. John Howard
Australia’s 25th Prime Minister led a determined reformist government achieving major reform including waterfront reform, tax reform and industrial reform (including reform of the building construction sector). Howard was instrumental in working with his Treasurer, Peter Costello in delivering 11 out of 12 surplus budgets. At the risk of triggering a regional armed conflict, Howard committed Australian troops to defend the people of East Timor through a United Nations protection force in 1999.
Howard also showed tremendous courage and leadership by introducing the unpopular Work Choices employment reform package which was instrumental in reducing the unemployment rate to 3.9% in July 2007, the lowest in over 30 years.
10. William Charles Wentworth
Vigorously advocated through inflammatory speeches and radical articles against the prevailing winds, the reform of the political and legal structure of the penal colony of Sydney including advocating for a free press, trial by jury and self-government. Wentworth’s actions contributed to the passing of the New South Wales Act 1823, which instituted a nominated Legislative Council and permitted trial by jury in civil actions only when demanded by both parties.
Wentworth later played a significant role in the Australian Patriotic Association where he drafted reform legislation which was accepted by the Colonial Office in London which enlarged the size of the Legislative Council making it more representative. Wentworth went on to serve in the Legislative Council and helped establish in 1848 a system of state primary education in NSW.
*Odd ones out:
1. No woman
2. No Indigenous person
3. No Robert Menzies – the nation’s longest serving prime minister and founder of the Liberal party