Five ways to get out of a work slump
ARE you totally over your job? We've got the tips to help you find the motivation to get out of bed each morning.
HOW hard was it for you to get out of bed this morning and go to work?
Do the hours at your job pass by at a glacial speed as you avoid doing work you're not that interested in? Has it been ages since you've had a holiday and you're feeling completely worn out? Sounds like you're in a work slump.
A work slump is defined by a "loss of energy, lack of drive and motivation", feeling irritable, stressed and constantly procrastinating at work, according to career coach Kate James from Total Balance.
"We don't always love what we do," said James. "That is one of the big challenges for us."
Work slumps tend to hit us right at this time of year. It might be a few months since you've had a holiday and the monotony of going to work everyday can start to take a toll.
So if you're feeling down and out about your job, here are five ways to get out of a work slump:
1. Take a break
First things first. Get away from work and go on a mini-holiday.
"Look at where you can take a break - a day of leave, even a long weekend," said James. "Get away from your home. Go down the coast, take a mini holiday. When you go away it means you're not doing all the usual chores you have to do on the weekend like shopping, washing and cleaning. Buy yourself a little more breathing space".
Catch up on sleep and time with loved ones. You'll feel re-energised and fresh. We all feel sluggish when we're tired and haven't had the time to relax.
If you can't go away, give yourself a break over the weekend to recuperate and re-energise. Don't schedule any plans - just spend time relaxing, advises James.
"A lot of people feel like they have to say yes to everything instead of saying, 'What do I actually need for myself?"
After this mini-break you'll return to work refreshed and with more energy. A lack of energy is one of the key reasons why people find themselves in a work slump, says James.
2. Don't indulge in negative thoughts
Once we start thinking we're in a work slump, we get bogged down by our negative thoughts and it can be really hard to dig ourselves out again.
"The brain has a very strong negative bias and it tells us to go with that negative vibe," said James.
"When we get into a habit of thinking negatively, it can become cyclical. Don't get into that cycle of looking for evidence about why things are bad here. We need to train ourselves to think about and look for things that are going well.
"Often this "evidence" is disproportionate to the actual problem."
It's not about denying the facts if there are real problems at work, says James. "It's about balancing the negative thoughts with a more realistic perspective, rather than distorting reality."
3. Don't engage in group negative talk
We all love a good bitch now and then. We get to vent about our shared problems and it's a way of connecting with our colleagues.
But constantly complaining about work with your office mates can be really dangerous, said James.
"I think it's an enormous problem. It becomes a way of relating and belonging.
"If you go into a workplace where the culture is negative and they complain all the time - my train was late, the traffic was awful - it's not a nice place to be"
But it can be difficult to toe the line between showing empathy for your colleagues and not getting bogged down by group negativity.
"It's difficult to change the status quo without looking like a pain. I hear a lot of people from overseas talk about that tall poppy syndrome we have. Rather than looking for the good and celebrating success, we focus on negative thoughts.
"I think it's really difficult in you're in a work environment where there's a lot of negativity, it can be hard to find people who want to be more positive. It's a very pervasive problem in Australia.
"If you notice a colleague's going through a slump, look for a way you can boost them because you'll actually be boosting yourself. Go out for lunch, go for a walk around the block. Be that positive energy for your colleagues".
4. Assess your values and look at the bigger picture
Think about your core values and what you want in life. Where does your job fit in? Does it fulfil some of your current goals or help prepare you for your future?
While you might not be 100 per cent satisfied with your current gig, make sure it fits into the bigger picture of what you want to achieve in life.
"At all points in our lives we have our values a little bit skewed, but if you understand the bigger picture it helps validate what you're doing day in, day out," says James.
"Sometimes we zoom right in to the little problems - like that person in the office who really bugs you or that looming deadline - and we forget to think about the big picture".
"Look at where you can change your perspective and remember the things that you like about work, and why you're in that job in the first place".
5. Take time to do things that you really love
"It's really important to look at what you can change outside of work," says James.
When we feel like we're too busy working to take timeout for ourselves, we start to resent our work.
Figure out what makes you happy and do more of that thing. Is it spending time with loved ones? Engaging in a hobby or hanging out with friends?
"Changing one small thing makes a huge difference, like getting back to exercise or starting a course that inspires you", says James.
When you start to feel happier and more fulfilled outside of work hours, that will naturally translate into feeling more positive about your job.
Have you ever been in a work slump? What are you tips for getting out of one? Continue the conversation on Twitter @beck_sullivan | @newscomauhq