Want to work for Salim? Tatts and time wasters will be terminated
SALIM Mehajer wants a “sophisticated” PA. You’ll need a licence, no criminal history, a legit Insta account, and other stuff we don’t understand.
AS far as “positions vacant “ go, it’s a puzzling, and very public one.
Controversial former Auburn deputy mayor Salim Mehajer has taken to Instagram in his search for an employee. It’s all “above aboard”. But you’ll need to “act quite”. We think he means “act quick”.
The embattled property developer started his search late last week with a post saying “Need a helping hand Please email your CV to manager@mehajer.com.au. Starting As early as Monday 20/11”.
He wasn’t knocked down in the rush to respond and didn’t initially reply to requests to detail what the position actually was.
On Sunday morning, Mehajer clarified the job offer, with a new typo-riddled Instagram post seeking a “sophisticated” PA. It raised as many questions as it answered.
“Following my previous post, All applications are to email us (see bio) through their resume. (No tests to be carried out withoiut [sic] my approval),” it began.
“Role is a sophisticated “personal assistant ” (a quite broad and detailed position). Successful applicants will have to sit down an online Skype interview.”
Salim plans to announce the successful applicant on Tuesday, maybe, and warns for “spam /fake or time wasting potential staff ... (Termination will take pace [sic] immediately).” He means “place”.
As for qualifications, applicants must not have a criminal history, but must be able to drive.
And while they need to quote their Instagram account in their application to “validity and verify your position. Legitimecy [sic] of accounts will be heavily weighed”, Salim wants CVs emailed ONLY.
Salim seems to suggest the successful applicant will be guided by him and “rest assure [sic] you will leave more then [sic] you expected”.
In what we can only assume is a reminder that he will be the boss, another requirement appears to be: “don’t steer”. Then again, maybe that’s related to the driver’s licence.
Salim said the “tasks is above aboard [sic] ” and “very simple”. But, he adds, “no tattoos on body of boys”. We assume this means ladies’ tatts are A-OK.
He wrapped the post by warning time is running out, so potential applicants should “act quite”.
Certainly, commenters on Salim’s post were quick to reply.
“Do you need a proof reader?” was among the first comments.
Another suggested Salim needed to hire “someone to compose sentences for him”.
Others lamented they would miss out on their dream job because of their tatts, or lack of a verified Instagram account.
But @parramattafoodie was having none of it. “Given this post is replete with spelling and grammatical errors,” she wrote “I think I’ll pass.”
Salim’s post has been liked more than 1300 times. It’s unknown how many applicants there are for the job.
The error-riddled second PA post disappeared from Salim’s Instagram on Sunday evening.