
The secret life of a personal concierge

BOOKING plumbers, decluttering pantries and processing paperwork is all in a day’s work for a personal concierge - but no two days are ever the same.

Vivienne Lewis is a Personal Concierge. Pic Mark Calleja
Vivienne Lewis is a Personal Concierge. Pic Mark Calleja

RECOMMENDING restaurants, booking plumbers, decluttering pantries and comparing insurance policies might be all in a day’s work for a personal concierge but no two days are ever the same.

Personal concierges — essentially PAs for outside the office — take care of the to-do lists that clients don’t want to tackle themselves.

Adele Blair, managing director of The Concierge Collective and co-director of the Institute of Concierge and Lifestyle Managers (iCALM), says personal concierges perform a wide range of tasks.

“I’ve had a toilet installed for a birthday present, relocated a cat from Guam (in Micronesia) to Melbourne, and found a piece of wallpaper that was in a magazine,” she says.

“The wallpaper was a background image, we had no reference whatsoever but we found it ... I knew a professional wallpaper hanger in Sydney so I scanned the image and sent it to him.

“The real essence of a concierge is that we have the connections.”

Personal concierge Vivienne Lewis. Picture: Mark Calleja
Personal concierge Vivienne Lewis. Picture: Mark Calleja

Anew Lifestyle founder Viv Lewis says some of her favourite tasks as a personal concierge have been decorating Christmas trees and driving people around who are relocating to Australia.

“If an employee comes from overseas, they get me to pick them up for the day and I will take them around on six or seven open home inspections and take them to a couple of schools,” she says.

“It gives them an idea of the suburbs they can look up on”

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Lewis says some personal concierges specialise in niche services, for example decluttering homes or organising funerals.

Blair says the demand for concierges has increased significantly as Australia follows US trends.

“It’s becoming a term more familiar with the general public than it was 10 years ago,” she says.

“Anyone who might have a cleaning lady might have a personal concierge. It’s for professional families where mum and dad are both working. On the weekend they would much prefer to watch their kids play soccer than be trying to build a fence, for example.”

Moving and decluttering homes are common requests. Picture: Getty Images
Moving and decluttering homes are common requests. Picture: Getty Images

Surprisingly, however, there has never been an accredited qualification for the profession — for any type of concierge, anywhere in the world — until now.

iCALM has just launched an online Diploma of Personal Concierge Services, which will begin in February.

The diploma is available to anyone with a year 12 certificate or who can pass basic literacy and numeracy tests and it takes about 18 months to complete.

Blair says the qualification is very in-depth, comprising 20 compulsory units.

This compares to a Diploma of Business with only eight.

“It’s a diploma for anyone with the word concierge in their title,” she says.

“There are units to do with budgets and costings and financials, how to supervise staff in an off-site environment, building networks, confidentiality, security, dealing with people from other culture backgrounds, it is really comprehensive.

“They are highly transferable skills (for) event management, project management and business administration.”

For more employment news, read the CareerOne section in Saturday’s News Corp Australia newspapers.

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