
Former recruitment consultant Susie Moore gives seven tips on how to nail a job interview

MISSING out on a dream job can often come down to a bad interview. One former recruitment consultant has seven tips to make sure you nail it.

I SPENT three years of my life working as a recruitment consultant in Sydney.

It was 2005-2008 and it was a candidate driven market at the time (that is, a lot of jobs available). All of the polished, interview savvy applicants were hired with ease and employers were crying for more. The people who were looking for work with little success often suffered from poor interviewing skills.

Over my three years I observed that often if only a few basic steps are followed, landing your dream job is totally possible. As a result, I taught interview training classes and have since opened a business in New York that educates graduates how to land their first gig.

As a graduate in New York City — the market is tougher than ever before — interview polish is essential.

I have used all of these tips myself when going for roles too. I secured a competitive job in NYC with no network, local experience and a pending visa. It ain’t easy out there! My formula, when applied correctly, really helps.

Keep calm. If you’re asked for an interview, you’re half way there.
Keep calm. If you’re asked for an interview, you’re half way there.

1. Breathe and centre yourself (aka — don’t panic)!

Before going into an interview remember that you are being asked to come in because the potential employers already see skills and qualities that they like. You are kind of half way there already. View it as a conversation where you find out about each other rather than an interrogation or a test that they want you to fail. This mindset will naturally make you more confident and calm. When I explain this to my candidates, they really relax. People don’t just pick random people off the street and invite them in to discuss a job!

2. Research, research, research

Spend time online researching the company. Look into its background, for example when the company was founded and by whom. Mentioning facts such as these show the interviewers that you have taken the time to find out about them. People love hearing about themselves too so use LinkedIn as your new best friend. Did someone study Fine Art for a Semester in Paris? Share with them your love of Monet (if it is genuine). Was your interviewer on the basketball or chess society? Bring up your love of these things too if you have them. It’s a friendly way to strike a personal connection.

Make sure you have a smoking hot outfit that fits the vibe of the office you’re going into.
Make sure you have a smoking hot outfit that fits the vibe of the office you’re going into.

3. Dress for success, baby

Ensure that your outfit matches the ethos of the company whether it is sharp and professional or more relaxed and informal. If in doubt, veer towards a more professional look. You must also feel comfortable and confident in your clothes. I once tried to hide my limp in a new pair of shoes I bought for a meeting with a company CEO. It was distracting — I kept praying he would not notice my funny walk! Another girl travelled for her interview and the dress she brought was from a few years ago (and in her words, a few kilos ago!) It was too tight and she had to scramble for a new outfit in the morning. Try on your interview threads beforehand and ensure you feel well fitted and fabulous!

4. Know thyself

Write a list of 10 of your best qualities. For me, in sales, it is relationship building, persistence and my industry connections. What are yours? If you struggle, think of past compliments you received that colleagues have given you. When you are asked what you can bring to the role (or something along those lines) — be assertive and list them. Remember, an interview is unlike any other experience in your life. It is a window to sell yourself and its important to feel to comfortable doing that. Let me tell you — the other candidates going for the same job are listing theirs!

Know your best qualities and get ready to rattle them off. Other people will be doing the same.
Know your best qualities and get ready to rattle them off. Other people will be doing the same.

5. Take your time

It’s common to want to avoid awkward silences during interviews. Unfortunately this can mean that you blurt out the first answer to the question without much thought. How many times have interviewees thought about a better answer after the interview?

To avoid this it is good to take a pause before answering if you need to. You can even say to the interviewer that you are thinking through a few examples so that you can pick the best one. They will appreciate that you are taking the question seriously and not nervously rushing the answer. One of the biggest regrets I hear from candidates is rambling. One guy even said to me, “I don’t even remember what I said. I ended up on a different subject completely — I don’t think I even answered the question” Don’t let this happen to you! Taking your time is a good thing, my friends.

6. Remember, positivity wins

Everyone wants to work with likable, optimistic people. Speak well of your current employer and past experiences (no matter how you really feel). The truth is, the interviewer knows that how you speak about your current place of work will be will how you speak about them one day. Be honest but kind and stress your enthusiasm to work for their organisation, rather than to leave your current one. The same goes for your answers in general. Even if they ask you about weaknesses, tricky situations you have encountered or areas you can improve, end of a positive note — e.g. “I am not familiar with this particular software but I am a fast learner and have picked up other programs in the past with ease.”

Be positive and upbeat, and don’t ruin it with a comment about how you’re always hung-over.
Be positive and upbeat, and don’t ruin it with a comment about how you’re always hung-over.

7. Ask killer questions

Prepare some questions to ask at the end. This shows that you are really interested in the job. It also makes the meeting feel more like a two-way conversation and makes the interviewers have to think too. Questions like, “what does success in this role look like?” or “how would you describe the company culture?” are broad and intelligent questions and allow you to find out some important information. One candidate of mine asked, “is it a problem if I am sometimes late?” Yikes! The questions allow you to show your interest and aptitude.

Go into the interview knowing that you have nothing to lose. Remember too — everyone, all positions, all levels, has had to go through these (including your interviewer). It’s just a small step on your ladder to success. Jump on!

What’s the best interview advice you’ve ever received? Tell @Susiemoore | @newscomauHQ on Twitter.

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