
Career success will not automatically lead to happiness

A GOOD job will lead to success which will then lead to happiness. Right? Wrong. The latest research shows that this thinking is incorrect on every level.

Actor Jim Carrey as the miserly Ebenezer Scrooge in the 3D Disney film 'A Christmas Carol'.
Actor Jim Carrey as the miserly Ebenezer Scrooge in the 3D Disney film 'A Christmas Carol'.

IT’S generally assumed that there’s a specific career trajectory we should try to follow to attain success:

1. Get a job with good career prospects.

2. Work really hard and sacrifice everything for the job.

3. All that hard work will make you successful.

4. Success will make you happy.

And while this is how most people view work, the latest happiness research shows that the model is wrong on every level.

The clearest sign that this mental model is bogus is probably the number of highly successful career men who are failing miserably at life.

You know the type: The 50-something VP who, yes, gets the stellar salary and the company Mercedes, but who also hates his job, is recovering from a double bypass operation, is hated and feared by his employees, just went through his third divorce and whose kids refuse to talk to him.

Will the memory of your Mercedes keep you happy in your twilight years?
Will the memory of your Mercedes keep you happy in your twilight years?

Here are the three most important scientific reasons why this model of work life is a sham:

1. You end up sacrificing the two most important things in life

According to positive psychology (the scientific study of happiness), the two major factors that contribute to a happy life are a good romantic relationship and deep, lasting friendships.

Studies show that men who have a solid relationship live six years longer on average. You don’t have to be married, but a loving relationship with your spouse or your life partner is essential for your mental and physical wellbeing.

Sacrificing love and friendship for your career advancement means you’re actually prioritising something that, in all probability, will not make you nearly as happy as the two things that matter most.

Entourage’s Ari Gold was all about work, but it made him miserable (mostly).
Entourage’s Ari Gold was all about work, but it made him miserable (mostly).

2. You’re always left wanting more

Let’s say you get that promotion, that bonus or that raise you’ve been working so hard to get.

Will that make you happy? Odds are that you will simply readjust your expectations and start gunning for the next advancement. This is how our minds work: When we want something (anything), we’re convinced it will make us happy. Once we get it, we start taking it for granted and move on to wanting the next thing — whatever that is.

Research has shown that happiness comes in large part from being grateful for what you have, not from constantly getting more.

3. Career advancement is essentially meaningless

Finally, true satisfaction at work is never going to come from getting a raise. In fact, studies show that getting a raise or a promotion only makes people a little happier for about two weeks. And while companies could solve that by giving people raises every other week, that’s probably not a viable business model.

Devon Banks (Will Arnett) battled Jack Donaghy (Alec Baldwin) for years on 30 Rock but eventually found happiness with his triplets in Brooklyn.
Devon Banks (Will Arnett) battled Jack Donaghy (Alec Baldwin) for years on 30 Rock but eventually found happiness with his triplets in Brooklyn.

True happiness at work comes from being good at your job and from doing meaningful work that actually helps someone somewhere. I’m not saying we all have to join Greenpeace and work for the environment, but if you know that the work you do makes the world a better place in some way, that will give you a sense of meaning and purpose — which is a major source of job satisfaction.

So if the model that hard work leads to success and success leads to happiness is wrong, what should you do instead?

Well, according to happiness studies, you should turn it around 180 degrees and do this:

1. Choose a job that makes you happy.

2. Being happy at work makes you better at your job.

3. Being good at your job makes you successful.

Being happy at work will serve you better in the long run than just being successful.
Being happy at work will serve you better in the long run than just being successful.

Here’s how it works: We know from tons of research that being happy at work has a huge effect on performance and that happy employees are more productive, more creative and more motivated.

People who are happy at work are also healthier and happier.

So, just to make this perfectly clear: I’m not arguing some hippy-dippy notion that you should sacrifice career success for a job you enjoy. What I’m saying is that if you like what you do, you are much more likely to be successful at it and have a great career.

Aspiring for career success is a great goal — our issue is often that we go about trying to achieve that success in the wrong way. Studies have shown that happy people achieve greater career success and higher total lifetime incomes.

So the real choice here is not between happiness and career success — the real choice is this: Do you want to be unhappy and unsuccessful or happy and successful?

And that’s a no-brainer if ever I saw one.

This article was originally published on Ask Men.

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