
Breaking the stereotypes: A humble model, a fun librarian and a reliable tradie reveal all

WE’RE sick of the stereotypes around certain jobs, that tradies are unreliable and models are vain. So we’ve found a model, librarian and tradie that bust the stereotype.

Aaron Manley prides himself on punctuality and open communication with his clients
Aaron Manley prides himself on punctuality and open communication with his clients

MODELS are vain. Librarians are serious. Tradies are unreliable. These are just some of the many career stereotypes out there, and frankly, is sick of them.

To be clear, this article is not intended to be offensive to anyone who works in the modelling, trade and library industries. We merely want to show that the stereotypes, while at times based on truth, aren’t always correct.

We spoke to an ex-model, ‘Australia’s Favourite Librarian’ for 2013 and a self-employed carpenter and about how they strive to break their industry stereotype.

Nicole Joy on her raw food campaign.
Nicole Joy on her raw food campaign.
Nicole Joy in her modelling days.
Nicole Joy in her modelling days.


Nicole Joy, 31, is an ex-model and former Miss World Australia contestant. She left the modelling industry and has since started a raw food education campaign. Nicole travels the country hosting raw food cooking classes, or ‘uncooking’ classes as she calls them.

Here’s how she answered’s questions on the ‘vain model’ stereotype.

What do you see as the typical stereotype for modelling?

Tall, skinny, vain and starving!

How does that negative stereotype make you feel about modelling?

I actually edged my way out of the modelling industry — as it really isn’t that glamorous and can be pretty rough on your self — esteem if you don’t have thick skin. I definitely don’t get defensive if people make that stereotype. I know of a lot of models that fit that bill perfectly and an equal amount that are average height, a healthy build, humble with a healthy appetite to boot.

Nicole as Miss World Australia, in 2005, representing Queensland.
Nicole as Miss World Australia, in 2005, representing Queensland.
Eat Dessert for Breakfast — raw cooking book by Nicole Joy
Eat Dessert for Breakfast — raw cooking book by Nicole Joy

What makes you different to the stereotype of a ‘vain model’?

Modelling is only one of many notches in my belt. I don’t take myself (or modelling) so seriously and I know how to have a laugh — particularly at myself! I would rather concentrate on educating people about healthy foods and following their passions.

Tell us about the Miss World Australia competition in 2005.

Miss World Australia was a fantastic experience. I raised over $20,000 for The Abused Child Trust and organised my very first event — a charity function for over 100 people, I overcame my fear of singing in public and performed on stage twice throughout the process (which I loved!) I really felt I grew as a young woman, I learned a lot about myself. Namely — I can do anything I set my mind to.

Tell us about your cooking book and cooking classes? What do you hope to achieve with this campaign? ‘Why it’s perfectly acceptable to eat dessert for breakfast’ is a recipe book full of gluten-free, dairy-free and refined sugar-free desserts. I like to think of it as an inspirational cookbook, as it’s peppered with beautiful quotes and affirmations that are personal to me throughout. My cooking classes aim to inspire people to get back in the kitchen and have some fun with food. This style of cooking (or uncooking to be more precise!) has no rules and it’s pretty difficult to mess it up. It’s perfect for people with and without tolerances as it all tastes so delicious — it’s hard to believe it’s guilt-free!

Any thoughts on true beauty in women? There is no ‘one definition’ of beauty — beauty is all in the eye of the beholder. As long as you think you are beautiful, I say — who cares what anyone else thinks!

Mrs Rolt (left) dressed up as Harry Potter character Bellatrix for Book Week.
Mrs Rolt (left) dressed up as Harry Potter character Bellatrix for Book Week.


Jae Rolt is a teacher-librarian from Newcastle, NSW who was awarded the title of ‘Australia’s Favourite Librarian’ last year. And you only have to see the photos of Mrs Rolt dressed up as characters from Harry Potter and Star Wars to agree that the title is well deserved. Here’s how Mrs Rolt answered questions about librarian stereotypes.

What do you see as the typical stereotype for your job?

An old lady, wearing a twin set and pearls with glasses saying ‘shhh’ all the time.

Do people ever mention that stereotype to you in conversation?

Yes, sometimes. “How can you work in a library? You are never quiet”. My reply is usually ‘why should it be quiet? It is a room full of busy children”.

Mrs Jae Rolt, Australia’s favourite librarian
Mrs Jae Rolt, Australia’s favourite librarian

How does that negative stereotype make you feel about your job?

It doesn’t bother me. There are some amazing librarians out there who do wear twin sets and pearls and they do a fantastic job. I don’t see it as a negative stereotype. I am who I am and I do my job my way. I don’t let a stereotype get in the way of that.

What is your job really like?

Very busy, very noisy. I work in a K-6 school library. At lunch time I can have about 100 children in the library colouring, drawing, using computers, reading, having a chat — it can sometimes get VERY noisy.

What makes you a fun librarian?

I love my job and I love being around kids. I smile all the time and have little jokes with the kids. When it comes to Book Week I dress up every day of the week in different costumes and the kids love that.

Australia’s Favourite Librarian award

Last year, to celebrate Library Lovers Day, ALIA (Australian Library and Information Association) ran a competition to find Australia’s Favourite Librarian. I was lucky enough to win that title. I received the most votes by the public. My family, friends, current students and lots of my past students and their parents voted for me. It was quite humbling and a great honour to be awarded this inaugural title.

Aaron Manley prides himself on punctuality and open communication with his clients
Aaron Manley prides himself on punctuality and open communication with his clients


Aaron is a carpenter and the owner of AJM carpentry. He has been a tradie for eight years and loves his job. Here’s how he answered’s questions about tradie stereotypes.

What do you see as the typical stereotype for your job?

There’s a massive perception that tradies are dirty, sweaty, smelly and that we’re unreliable as we ‘show up when we want to’.

How does that negative stereotype make you feel about your job?

Honestly, we probably are a bit dirty and smelly from time to time but that’s because we work hard! There are a few dodgy tradies out there that give the rest of us a bad name, but I know I do my best to provide an excellent outcome for my clients so there’s no point being upset by a negative stereotype.

What is your job really like?

It’s hard work — mentally and physically. You have to be a problem solver to be a successful tradie. There are always things going wrong such as materials being unavailable or the weather setting things back. You always have to expect the unexpected and be prepared to think on your feet to overcome any issues that may arise. There are weeks or months when everything is booming and then just as quickly work can dry up so that’s another tough aspect of the industry.

As tough as it can be it’s also equally rewarding as you get to see amazing transformations and can be proud knowing it was something you and your team created.

What makes you a reliable tradie?

Communication is the key to being a reliable tradie. If I’m ever going to be late or we encounter an issue I make sure I inform the client as quickly as possible and clearly explain the situation. By keeping in constant communication with a client you can manage their expectations and ensure everyone is on the same page.

It’s also essential that you have a strong team of tradies around you so I put a lot of emphasis on training a new wave of reliable and hardworking apprentices who can proudly wave the AJM Carpentry flag.

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