
Keeping busy helps out-of-work Aussies avoid the dole trap

DOING anything is better than doing nothing for unemployed young Aussies to get off the dole and find their way into their dream career.

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YOUNG people should do whatever work or training they can to avoid “doing nothing’’ and becoming trapped in chronic unemployment longer term.

A report by the National Centre for Vocational Education Research shows 15 to 24-year-olds who are not in education, employment or training for continuous periods of six months or more are at increased risk of further unemployment and poorer education outcomes once they reach their early 20s.

In other words, for long-term employment success, doing anything is better than doing nothing, says Career Development Association of Australia chair of advocacy Rebecca Fraser.

“Doing nothing is detrimental to your career, absolutely,’’ Fraser says.

“It doesn’t matter that you don’t get your first choice (of post-school studies to enrol in) … there are a diverse range of other options and a diverse range of service (study) providers.

“You need to focus on developing some form of skills … and getting yourself into doing something.

“Whether that be picking up more hours – if you’ve been working part time (during study) then perhaps working full time – or getting a 12-month traineeship.

“Or, if you want to study but don’t know what, look for (a course) that’s a little less specific.

“Doing something – anything – is better than nothing.

“Doing nothing will put you behind the eight-ball before you’ve even started.’’

Recruitment expert Rebecca Fraser says it’s important to keep busy if unemployed. Picture: Paul Loughnan
Recruitment expert Rebecca Fraser says it’s important to keep busy if unemployed. Picture: Paul Loughnan

The term NEET has been coined to describe those not in employment, education or training, with Fraser saying NEET people often develop a lack of motivation, making it difficult to transition back into work and study.

NCVER research operations manager Genevieve Knight says while NEET is normal, and often voluntary in the case of school leavers who take a gap year, it can lead to persistent, involuntary periods of NEET later on.

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She says young NEET people are three times more likely to experience periods of NEET later, adding that leaving school early is a key predictor of persistent NEET periods.

“Completing Year 12 is going to give you the highest transition rates (into further training and successfully employment),’’ Knight says.

“Everyone tends to push the university route (as the best option post-school) but that’s not suitable for everyone and so getting a ticket (vocational qualification) … can also lead to (employment) success.’’

Aidan Lawrence studied a short course in photography and now he wants to become a teacher. Picture: AAP/Brenton Edwards
Aidan Lawrence studied a short course in photography and now he wants to become a teacher. Picture: AAP/Brenton Edwards

Aidan Lawrence was disengaged at school so dropped out in Year 9 but his old teachers persuaded him to take part in a photography course run at his local community centre.

Lawrence subsequently found work as a wedding photographer and his success ultimately gave him the confidence to return to school, with the 20-year-old completing Year 12 last year.

He is now hoping to go to university and become a teacher.

“Photography got me to engage again,” he says.

“If I had done nothing (after dropping out) I would have been unemployable and I would have had a pretty low standard (of living).”


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