
Canine invasion boosts work life balance

WHO says you can’t bring pets to work? An Australian business is leading the way with a four-legged workplace revolution.

This is the office where dogs rule
This is the office where dogs rule

EVERY dog owner knows how hard it can be to leave your four-legged friends at home each day.

But one Australian business has learned that man’s best friend can make a great office companion.

Vinomofo has jumped on board a new PetRescue initiative to help rehome tens of thousands pets, starting with staffy mix JD, who has come to stay the online retailer’s Melbourne office.

Co-founder Justin Dry said the initially timid pooch was finding his feet after a long stretch in a shelter, charming staff with his gentle nature and soulful eyes.

“He’s obviously had an unsettled life, but he’s really coming out of his shell, surrounded by up to 70 people who love him,” Mr Dry said.

He said his animal-loving staff — who were given the final veto on JD’s arrival — were also seeing benefits, as JD’s presence was bringing stress levels down and encouraging staff to get outside for walks.

Good for morale: Vinomofo boss Justin Dry says having pets on site gives staff a boost.
Good for morale: Vinomofo boss Justin Dry says having pets on site gives staff a boost.
A welcome distraction: foster dog JD enjoys a treat.
A welcome distraction: foster dog JD enjoys a treat.

JD goes home each night with campaign manager Charlotte Cels and her Japanese Chin dog Keita, giving him much-needed consistency while he waits for a forever home.

Mystery surrounds the 11-year-old mutt’s heritage, but he is understood to be part Staffy, with his narrower face and leaner body hinting at a smaller breed in the mix.

His progress can be tracked on social media, via the hashtag #rehomeamofo or Twitter and Instagram handle @rehomeamofo.

Mr Dry said JD — who had commandeered his nickname — had no identifiable health issues and would make a great companion.

He encouraged other businesses to open up their offices to foster pets and help ease the burden on shelters.

PetRescue’s new workplace foster care program aims to boost adoption numbers by matching homeless cats and dogs with a workplace foster family.

The program aims to reverse the sobering statistics which show large numbers of animals are needlessly put down each year.

More than half of cats and a quarter of dogs entering pounds are euthanased because there are not enough homes for them.

PetRescue Director Vickie Davy said having a foster pet in the office brought benefits to both animals and workers, with studies showing a pet-friendly workplace could help reduce stress, improving morale and enhance staff relationships.

The charity supports more than 800 rescue groups, shelters and pounds across Australia, saving thousands of pets each month.

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