
‘I don’t work in an office’: Inside Australia’s unusual workspaces

IT’S fluoro lights and cubicles for most of us, but these Aussies spend their days in some pretty cool places. Check out a rundown of their typical day.

Paul Davies pictured in his Surry Hills studio. Pic: Matt Reed.
Paul Davies pictured in his Surry Hills studio. Pic: Matt Reed.

MOST of us spend the day toiling under fluroscent lights in a cubicle, but that’s not the case for these ordinary Aussies. Charterbuild’s Jane Bright gives us a peek inside their daily grind.

Paul Davies, Artist

7am: Wake up, check emails, walk our dog Stella, breakfast at home, then walk to the studio in Surry Hills, coffee at Alimentari cafe.

10:30ish: Coffee at Corduroy cafe. Painting in the studio The studio is open plan and I share with others from a variety of fields: Ed Woodley, an artist/designer and co-founder of China Heights studio/gallery; Chronicles of Never fashion label; and Vice magazine had their studio here for a time.

Lunchtime: The studio is in Foster Street, and there are plenty of options that I frequent including: Malibu, Shortgrain and Single Origin Roasters.

3pm: More coffee, painting and follow up on emails and admin.

6:30pm: Clean up the studio and take photos of the work in progress.

Evening: I am currently studying for my Masters by Research at the College of Fine Arts, so I am usually working on that or heading to an exhibition opening.

Mornings are … the time in my studio to paint because the natural light is best.

Coffee is … just downstairs from the studio.

Airports are … better than they used to be but great when you leave.

Newspapers are … enjoyable to read. Newspapers are, for me, a bit like books, I hope not everything goes digital in the future.

Work is … something everyone seems to have a different opinion about.

And if you had to work in an office? I would convert my studio into one. Some of the people in my building have done this and it looks great. Each floor of the building has exposed timber beams, high ceilings and great natural light.

To find out more about Paul visit his website or follow him on Instagram @pauldaviesartist

Antonia Georgas, principal designer at Ruby Slipper florists

Antonia checks out the morning markets. Photo:©JK Blackwell,
Antonia checks out the morning markets. Photo:©JK Blackwell,

Wake up: On market days — Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays — it’s a real struggle to get up at 4am. But when the doors open there is such a buzz that I’m buzzing along with everyone else. And of course, experiencing the sights and smells of gorgeous fresh flowers is enough to put life into me.

Mid-morning: After being up from 4am I need a snack. I try for something healthy but I invariably end up eating something sugary and scrumptious.

Lunch: I normally have a salad on the go. There’s never time to sit down.

Mid-afternoon: There’s a lot of yawning happening at this time of day unless I’ve been able to have a power nap at some point.

End of day: I manage to leave here on time most days. And even if I’m a little late it’s because I have an arrangement to do or I’m having a lovely chat with one of my gorgeous neighbours or customers.

Evening: After dinner it’s crash and burn time. I’m usually in bed by 9pm but sometimes I make to 9:30.

Mornings are … a struggle until I get to the markets.

An iPad is … something I really need to buy.

Coffee is … something other people are addicted to. I’ve never had a taste for it.

Airports are … exciting, fun, a great place; imagine where all these people are going and the adventures they’ll be having. I love airports.

Newspapers are … obsolete.

Work is … fun, beautiful, inspiring. I love my job.

Offices should be … inspirational places. I can’t imagine working in a space where I’m not inspired.

If you had to work in an office, what would you hope the space had? Lots and lots of flowers, or at least a flower arrangement on the front desk.

Find out more about Ruby Slipper. Or follow Antonia on Twitter @RubySlipperFlwr

Paul Slater, director at Fox Sports

On the job: A sports stadium is often the “office” for Paul Slater (far right). Photo: Paul Slater
On the job: A sports stadium is often the “office” for Paul Slater (far right). Photo: Paul Slater

I really don’t have a typical day in my job — every day is different depending on what I’m working on. Yesterday I was travelling to work on a sporting broadcast, and my day looked like this …

8am: Wake up. I’m a night person so often don’t go to sleep before midnight.

Mid-morning: Hastily pack an overnight bag, call a taxi and rush to the airport leaving enough time to go to the Qantas lounge for a quick coffee before boarding my flight.

Lunch: Usually on a plane, depending on where I’m going. If it’s a quick flight to Melbourne or Brisbane I’ll eat lunch with the producer and commentators at a cafe before heading to the sporting ground.

Mid-afternoon: I’m at the ground where the game is due to commence. I meet up with the local freelance crew and run through the broadcast with them and do technical checks.

Evening: Directing the game involves me sitting in an outside broadcast truck. The truck Fox Sports hires from a facilitator is basically a mobile control room. I have all the camera feeds as well as replay feeds in front of me. I choose which one to take live to air at the appropriate moment. We’re usually on air for about two hours, if you include any pre- and post-game shows. After we’re off air we cover the press conference before I clear all the crew to start packing up.

11pm: This is when I usually leave the ground, the go back to the hotel and have a quick beer with the commentators and producer before going to bed.

Mornings are … always a rush.

An iPad is … a good way to waste time!

Coffee is … my friend.

Airports are … a place I try to spend as little time in as possible.

Newspapers are … old school.

Work is … not work when you love what you do!

Offices are … always an interesting place when you work in the media.

To find out more follow @P_Slats on Twitter.

But I don’t work in an office …” is a monthly series produced by Charter Build. If you would like to feature in this series on our design blog, please send details to For notification of future posts in this series please follow Charter Build @charterbuild or our editor Jane Bright on Twitter: @1JaneBright. You can also follow us on Google +

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