
Five business lessons every entrepreneur should learn from Game of Thrones

JUST like the dungeons under Meereen, the world of work is a real life Dragon’s Den. Here are five lessons everyone can learn from Game of Thrones.

Five lessons from Game of Thrones
Five lessons from Game of Thrones

TODAY, entrepreneurs in business, finance, technology, and healthcare bring truly cutthroat practices into play. There is never a clear-cut good and evil when it comes to business and entrepreneurship, as most are acting in their own self-interest.

With so many people catching wind of the Game of Thrones’ enchantment it made me question what I love about the series. It’s one of the most entertaining shows on television but it can also teach you a few things about how to be an entrepreneur. The different cities each have their own societies, cultures and practices much like our current state of international relations and global commerce. GoT’s warring clans and plot twists keep us captivated but there is strategy, alliances, disruption and change that takes place in each episode — and a few lessons for anybody looking to make it in business. (Spoilers below)


You’ve heard the story before; company X started out doing Y only to make millions of dollars years later doing Z. The art of the pivot is probably one of the most underrated techniques one can utilise in business, start-ups, and obviously in Westeros.

In business, one must be continuously reinventing oneself to learn from failure and grow from one’s experience. Petyr Baelish is a prime example of putting the pivot to good use. ‘Littlefinger’ pivots multiple times doing what he does best, stay alive.

Most recently, Littlefinger has promised Sansa Stark to Ramsay Bolton even after the atrocities the Boltons’ committed to the Stark family. In Westeros, success comes with staying alive long enough to enjoy the spoils of war and business. Petyr, from his introduction to the show has been a great example of reinventing yourself to better your chances of success. However, his sinister intentions and appropriation of loyalty are qualities I would not recommend for continued success.


The obvious saying that comes to mind when I think about learning from mentors: “respect your elders.” The saying and concept apply not only to growth in life, but business,

Daenerys Targaryen realises her inexperience and responsibility to lead so immediately finds mentors, Jorah Mormont and Barristan Selmy, to help her in her quest as the rightful queen of the Seven Kingdoms. It is evident Daenerys still has lots to learn about how to be confident in her position of power and follow her instincts as a leader. She still seeks advice and affirmation from her mentors because she doesn’t trust herself to make a decision on what to do with the landowners of Essos.


There are few names more notorious than Ned Stark in the world of GoT. If there is one thing I have learned from Ned Stark’s legacy it’s to always be loyal and if you can’t be loyal be honest. Unfortunately, Ned Stark paid for his honesty with his life but the idea of proper morality can be heard within his name and successors. No one wants to burn bridges, but there is a time and a place to be honest because of your respect and loyalty for someone.

Another example can be seen when Daenerys experiences this with one of her mentors, Jorah Mormont. Jorah betrayed his queen by leaking information to her enemies and ultimately breaking her trust. Respect to Jorah for being honest and coming clean and Daenerys for forgiving but not forgetting by banishing him from her council. When it comes down to it: communicate, be loyal and if you aren’t, explain and apologise. It is also never a good idea to displace the trust of someone who controls dragons and conquers empires.


Tyrion is the most overlooked character in GOT, mostly because Westeros’ culture doesn’t see his value or his skills and intelligence. The opportunity for Tyrion to take his peers’ oversight of him as an equal allows for him to exploit those around him to remain alive and well. As Tyrion says, “a mind needs books as a sword needs a whetstone, if it’s to keep its edge.”

If you have limitations and hindrances find how to add value in ways you know how and become an expert in those skill sets. It’s this underdog mentality that will keep entrepreneurs trying even when all the odds are stacked against them. It seems that after killing his own father and basically signing his own death sentence, Tyrion still believes there is a chance and hope for staying alive.


Whether it is co-founding your company, or saving a master of slaves’ life, one must be cognisant of what that relationships mean to one’s business and wellbeing.

In GoT, Jon Snow was forced to make partnerships for the greater good, with people he may not have otherwise. With an eminent danger from the White Walkers and the Seven Kingdoms in peril, Jon Snow is forced to make a partnership with the Wildlings and Stannis Baratheon. Finding the right people to align with is always a difficult task but just as Jon Snow learned in trusting the Wildlings, these individuals will eventually lead to your success or failure so understanding how you both can symbiotically benefit one another is crucial.

This article originally appeared on AskMen.

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