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ONCE you live in an apartment - luxury high-rise or otherwise - there are a couple of things you should know about strata. | 'Backdate FHBG changes' |

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Check the data before you strata

ONCE you live in an apartment building – luxury high-rise or otherwise – there are a couple of things you should know about strata.

Strata is often considered one of the most complicated forms of housing, and with apartment and medium density living tipped to rise in coming years as the State Government pushes its Directions 2031 agenda, more and more people will be dealing with it.

Strata schemes, of which there have been 802 registered with Landgate this year to date, include townhouses, villas and retirement villages, as well as the new apartment blocks popping up over Perth.

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Strata Communities Australia (WA) president Andrew Chambers said one of the main things people didn’t know about strata was they were buying a share of their building’s common property – and a share of the responsibility for its upkeep – as well as their own strata lot.

Residents of strata buildings would need to pay compulsory quarterly levies to help maintain their building, he said.

“The strata company sets a budget for expenses at each annual general meeting,” Mr Chambers said.

“This can include such items as insurance, general repairs, garden maintenance, and other items depending on the facilities offered (some may have pools, gyms, lifts et cetera, which all require maintenance).

“The amount of each individual levy is determined by the unit entitlements which can be found on the strata plan.

“This is set by a licensed valuer and is generally based on the value of each lot in relation to the total value of the scheme.

“An example can be on size and location – higher lots pay more as they generally have better views and are worth more.”

There was also often confusion over who was responsible for maintenance of common or private property, Mr Chambers said.

“In older schemes and multi-tiered schemes the boundaries are generally the inner surface of the walls and underside of the ceiling,” Mr Chambers said.

“This means that the Strata Company is responsible for all external maintenance (roof leaks broken windows, painting, et cetera) and the owner is responsible for all internal repairs.

“In newer schemes (post 1985) the boundaries can be to the external surface which means the lot owner is responsible for all maintenance both internal and external.

“The only way to determine this is by reading the strata plan.”

Mr Chambers said if an owner’s lot had a maintenance issue – a burst pipe, for example – the party responsible for paying the insurance would be determined by several things.

“Generally speaking, if the cause of a pipe burst is due to corrosion or gradual wear and tear over time, then it is not covered by insurance,” he said.

“However, the resultant water damage caused by a burst pipe often is.

“It is also important to bear in mind that if the cause of the burst is due to poor workmanship or faulty parts used during original installation, that is often not covered by insurance either.

“If the cause of the burst is indeterminable, the strata company insurance may well cover it.”

Strata owners were also often concerned about not having full control over what they could do with their property, Mr Chambers said.

“When people move into a strata property, particularly apartments, for the first time it can sometimes be a shock having to abide by a set of rules and get used to things like noise, parking limitations, restrictions on pets, parties and the like,’’ he said.

“Getting used to living in a close community can be challenging and is something that should be seriously considered by prospective buyers prior to purchasing.

“Perhaps they should look at renting first before making a large commitment.’’

John Angus, author of Understanding Strata Titles, said strata living could be a headache for people who couldn’t accept the community’s by-laws.

“No one person has a right to decide things,’’ Mr Angus said.

``You can’t just say, `That’s my property’, and add a veranda, or a carport, or paint it a different colour.

“It might have a big impact on other owners.

“A lot of people aren’t willing to accept that and go before the State Administrative Tribunal.

“I find it can cause a lot of pain and suffering because people will not accept a majority decision.’’

Strata Data WA founder Jeanette Anderson said another issue was too many residents confused a strata manager’s role with a property manager’s.

Unlike a property manager, who is responsible for one property and identifying any maintenance issues, a strata manager will not point out maintenance issues and thus the onus is on the owners.

“A strata manager takes instruction from the owners and the strata company,” Ms Anderson said.

“If a building is looking a bit scruffy, it’s reflective of the owners.”

Ms Anderson said potential buyers could identify proactive owners by how well maintained the gardens and building were.


■ Quarterly strata levies are compulsory for all strata lot owners.

■ Common property can be anything from shared lighting or a driveway, to a building’s infrastructure, swimming pools, lifts or gym.

■ Residents don’t have to attend annual general meetings, but strata experts would recommend they do. A budget must still be set for the strata company at the annual general meeting and as such the proposed budget will be approved even if no one attends. This means levies may rise without residents’ knowledge.

■ Residents do need to abide by the strata company’s by-laws. These can change at the annual general meeting.

■ If you have a query about strata issues, Landgate, Strata Community Australia (WA) and the Department of Commerce Consumer Protection may be able to provide an answer.


■ Know what you are buying: Find out what your strata lot boundaries are, what the common property is and what your
responsibilities are. These should be included in the strata plan.

■ Find out if the strata company is well-run: Look at the minutes of annual general meetings.
Check the gardens and the building for any obvious neglect and to get a general idea of how proactive the council of owners are.

■ Check the strata company’s finances: See if it has a reserve fund. Look at past insurance claims to see what is covered. See if there are any notices or State Administrative Tribunal orders concerning the property or owner disputes.

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