
The Block 2021 episodes 7 and 8 recap: Why contestants are worried about Vito

One of the team’s that has a ‘novice renovator’ is crumbling before everyone’s eyes, but what happens next will warm your heart.

Biggest winners of The Block so far

The cut-throat world of The Block isn’t usually a place of compassion and mercy, but the plight of poor Vito has turned the ultra-competitive Mark and Mitch and Ronnie and Georgie into softies.

Vito started struggling on day one, and things haven’t improved since.

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He and Tanya are complete renovating novices and have been ticking off traditional Block mistakes one by one; failing to organise their trades, wasting time changing lay outs, and this week, trying to get a mammoth 1,500 tiny tiles laid instead of opting for less time-consuming larger tiles.

And they’re burning through money, with trade after trade spending the day loafing about the site on $60 an hour because they can’t get into the bathroom they’re meant to be working on.

Mark and Mitch give a broken Vito a pep talk. Picture: Supplied Channel 9
Mark and Mitch give a broken Vito a pep talk. Picture: Supplied Channel 9

Vito is annoyed that the Velux skylight installers have taken most of the day rather than the two hours they estimated, but the installers counter by noting the room they were told was ready for them was actually lacking a floor, which meant they had to construct a scaffold before they could begin. Meanwhile, a waterproofer sits twiddling his thumbs.

Then Beaumont tiles call with the news that the tiles Vito and Tanya wanted — small squares pre-loaded on to larger sheets — aren’t available, which means to get the same effect they will need to lay each tile individually.

Ronnie helps Vito finish sanding his bathroom. Picture: Supplied Channel 9
Ronnie helps Vito finish sanding his bathroom. Picture: Supplied Channel 9

Vito is shrinking visibly moment by moment, and the other contestants have noticed.

“Vito was so deflated and felt so overwhelmed,” Mark says. “I really want him to be successful.”

He and Mitch turn up for a pep talk as they stand in the woefully unfinished bathroom.

“We’ve been worse than this and got there,” Mitch says, raising Vito’s spirits.

Then it’s Keith’s turn to offer some words of comfort for the struggling novice.

“I reckon you’re in all sorts of trouble,” he says. Let’s hope he never decides to volunteer at Lifeline.

Keith inspects Jesse and Kirsty’s bathroom for the 18th time. Picture: Supplied Channel 9
Keith inspects Jesse and Kirsty’s bathroom for the 18th time. Picture: Supplied Channel 9

Luckily, Mark and Mitch have more than just words for Vito. They also lend him their master plasterer Wilson.

“I see myself in Vito in that first season,” Mark says. “That fear of looking silly because you didn’t do something or you didn’t know something.”

Even Ronnie is getting on board with this newfound wave of cooperation and camaraderie, taking Vito out for lunch and spending a couple of hours helping him sand his plaster.

Ronnie at work on his finger tiles. Picture: Supplied Channel 9
Ronnie at work on his finger tiles. Picture: Supplied Channel 9

“Vito wasn’t the guy I met a few days ago. When you see one of your mates down and out you drop everything to help them out,” he says.

Across the road Kirsty and Jesse aren’t faring much better. Their bathroom required a record 19 inspections before Keith would sign off on it for waterproofing.

And Josh and Luke aren’t much further ahead than Tanya and Vito, but strangely the other contestants seem less interested in bucking them up.

Mitch is in no mood to be called an old dog. Picture: Supplied
Mitch is in no mood to be called an old dog. Picture: Supplied

The Love Island stars haven’t endeared themselves to Mitch, with Josh jokingly accusing Mitch of stealing his towel colour combination.

“The old dog’s trying to take some tips from the young pup,” he says, earning himself the top place on Mitch’s shitlist for eternity.

Josh and Luke get a better reception from Bayside Council. They want to switch the location of their master bedroom and garage but needed approval from the council to change the plans, and also chop down a street tree to accommodate a new driveway location.

Kirsty and Jesse working on their defect-filled bathroom. Picture: Supplied Channel 9
Kirsty and Jesse working on their defect-filled bathroom. Picture: Supplied Channel 9

Architect Julian Brenchley described their scheme as a “dumb idea”, given it would mean the house would only have a single car garage, but the boys pressed on regardless and have somehow managed to have it all ticked off in a single day.

“Who’s ever heard back from the council in one day?” tree vandal Luke crows.

“You have beaten the system, lads,” Keith agrees.

And so it seems the old eucalyptus will fall victim to a reality show. Vale.


Episode 6: Absolute bulls***: Fury over judges’ ruling

Episode 5: Boozy night lands one Block team in hospital

Episode 3 & 4: Love Island twins accuse Mitch and Mark of copying

Episode 2: Love Island twins stick boot into country singer

Episode 1: Shocks, showdowns and soup-inspired style

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