
The Block 2021 episode 5 recap: Love Island twins’ boozy night out lands one in hospital

There are many scoring upsets as the judges announce the first winning room on The Block, but not as big as the gastric upsets that landed one of the twins in hospital.

The reality of living on The Block

Returning contestants Ronnie and Georgia’s neutral boudoir nudged out stiff competition from party boys Luke and Josh’s pricey bachelor pad to win the The Block’s first room reveal.

While judges Neale Whitaker, Darren Palmer and Shaynna Blaze were wowed by Ronnie and Georgia’s understated use of colour and styling, they were far less complimentary of Mitch and Mark’s similar tone and approach (giving them the lowest marks of the week).

RELATED: Love Island twins accuse Mitch and Mark of copying

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Ronnie and Georgia’s winning room. Picture: Supplied
Ronnie and Georgia’s winning room. Picture: Supplied

“I really like Mitch and Mark and I was really excited to hear they were back on The Bock. But I feel this room is very generic and that’s not a word that I thought I would ever have used in connection with Mitch and Mark,” Neale explained before labelling their pale pink bedroom bland and cramped.

Shaynna agreed, before also pointing out that a burning candle was a fire hazard.

Mitch and Mark’s neutral-toned room doesn’t hold a candle to the others according to judges.
Mitch and Mark’s neutral-toned room doesn’t hold a candle to the others according to judges.

She reserved her harshest words for twins Josh and Luke, although (bizarrely), she ultimately scored their efforts higher than Mitch and Mark.

She felt the twins’ choice of a glass-doored wardrobe was impractical.

“Really? You’d lie there in bed looking at your shirts?” she scoffed to Darren and Neale after they enthused about the glamour of the glass ‘robes.

“I HATE it! It says Bachelor pad to me.”

Judge Shaynna Blaze hates the twins’ glass wardrobe arguing no-one wants to wake up staring at their shirts.
Judge Shaynna Blaze hates the twins’ glass wardrobe arguing no-one wants to wake up staring at their shirts.

And if anyone knows Bachelor pad styling, it’s the former Love Islanders who, after claiming they wanted to show the world they meant business, only cemented their party boy reputations by going AWOL on a bender ahead of judging.

While everyone, except Mitch and Mark, who had finished their (ultimately underwhelming) reno, ploughed on with getting their rooms ready for reveal day, the twins decided to hit Chapel Street for drinks and dancing.

When the pair had not returned to the building site by Saturday morning, detective Mitch (who was at a loose end now his own room was done) decided to try to track them down.

First stop, a visit to foremen Dan and Keith to do a spot of dobbing.

The lads rocked up a bit late after a night out.
The lads rocked up a bit late after a night out.

Keith’s eyes lit up with glee at the prospect of a rule breach and the opportunities it afforded him to get tough.

“This has never happened. If they’re drunk and they’re not fit for work, then they’ll have to sit the day out. I think the boys think they’re back on Love Island,” fumed Keith.

At least one other team was delighted with the twins going rogue – gossip-loving Georgia. She couldn’t wait to spread word of their rule breaches and quickly volunteered to help track them down.

“Georgia’s a great stalker,” a proud Ronnie vouched of Georgia’s ability to tail people on social media.

“I think sometimes you are put on earth with a purpose and mine is to get the goss,” Georgia added.

There was no need for Georgia to spring into cyber stalking action as the somewhat sheepish (and no doubt hungover) twins finally rolled up to work.

There they found the welcoming embrace of Mitch and the fearsome stares of Keith, breathalyser at the ready.

Keith gets tough with the twins.
Keith gets tough with the twins.

Josh and Luke explained they had stayed at a hotel because their tent, clothes and bedding had been soaked by rain the previous night.

However, Keith wasn’t having a bar of it. The rules clearly stated that all contestants must sleep on site and, Keith explained, they had given themselves an advantage by spending a night in a luxury hotel.

Kirsty labelled the move “dodgy”, and everyone was understandably peeved that the twins had spent the night enjoying themselves in style rather than camping on a cold cement floor.

After breath-testing the duo Keith found that they still had alcohol in their systems and told them they wouldn’t be allowed to do any work on the site until the afternoon.

“We want them to respect us. But if we work hard and play hard and still beat them, what’s wrong with that?” Josh asked between sips of his coffee.

“We’re not trying to offend people. We’re not trying to upset people. We are just doing us,” said Luke.

Food poisoning or a hangover?
Food poisoning or a hangover?

And “doing us” seems to involve hitting the beers on a Friday night.

“We bend rules,” he explained of his bender, while denying that he was in anyway hungover.

Unfortunately he had to later eat his words when his brother began violently vomiting and had to take himself to hospital for treatment. He blamed the noisy bout of gastric upset on dodgy leftovers, but his competitors were understandably sceptical about that lame old excuse for a fearsome hangover.

There was no excuse for Vito and Tanya’s shoddy workmanship.

Nor were there any surprises for viewers as this has been foreshadowed from the moment Keith and Dan pointed out the flaws in their plastering earlier in the week.

Tanya and Vito’s room was a plaster disaster.
Tanya and Vito’s room was a plaster disaster.

Lo and behold the foremen discovered Tanya and Vito’s wall, door and ceiling joins were all out of whack.

Vito confessed that he hadn’t wanted to cause conflict (clearly, he hasn’t watched this show) so had listened to his builder rather than Dan.

Now, realising his room had a door that wouldn’t close, skylights that didn’t line up and walls and ceilings that bowed, he was forced to admit defeat and sack his builder.

Despite cutting corners resulting in dodgy room corners, the judges still gave them a higher score than Mitch and Mark, arguing that Tanya had nailed the styling with quirky knick-knacks and an oddball colour scheme of chartreuse, pink and plum.

More of the same from Kirsty and Jesse who delivered another blue boudoir.
More of the same from Kirsty and Jesse who delivered another blue boudoir.

They also praised Kirsty and Jesse’s Hampton-style bedroom even though it was remarkably similar to the one they had offered up in the first challenge, leaving Neale questioning whether the couple was a one-trick pony.

To the judges at least, this first week of challenges has proven it’s not a two-horse race between the favourites. It appears the newcomers may give them a run for their money after all – provided they can stay off the sauce!


Ronnie and Georgia: 24.5

Josh and Luke: 24

Tanya and Vito: 23

Kirsty and Jesse: 23

Mitch and Mark: 22.5


Episode 3: Love Island twins accuse Mitch and Mark of copying

Episode 2: Love Island twins stick boot into country singer

Episode 1: Shocks, showdowns and soup-inspired style

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