
The Block 2021 episode 11 and 12 recap: Georgia threatens to make foreman Dan pay for ruining lay-out plans

While Ronnie and Georgia aim high, the Love Island boys go low — but it is foreman Dan who is in the firing line after he gets one of the teams furious for ruining their plans.

Dream properties to be locked down in

To soar, or not to soar? that is the question.

While twins Luke and Josh stuck to their guns and kept their master bedroom ceilings at a lowly 2.9m high, Ronnie and Georgia discovered there was a heavy price to pay to reach for the heavens with their 5.8m rooftop.

The Love Island boys dubbed foreman Keith “the cockatoo” because he jumped around screeching at people.

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“He knows a few words and just says the same thing over and over again,” Josh said, before offering the foreman a cracker as Keith pointed out the structural flaws with their master bedroom.

Keith thinks Ronnie and Georgia’s cathedral ceiling is heaven-sent. Picture: Supplied, Channel 9
Keith thinks Ronnie and Georgia’s cathedral ceiling is heaven-sent. Picture: Supplied, Channel 9

In fairness, the foreman certainly had something to squawk about. He took great delight in repeatedly pointing out how the twins’ controversial ceilings would be a judging low point.

Keith urged the pair to consider lowering their floors to give the room more space, but in typical form, neither Josh nor Luke was budging from their original position.

When they asked Keith how high his own bedroom ceilings were at home, the foreman smugly boasted they were a soaring 5m high (almost double what the boys were doing with their room).

“You know what they say about people with 5m ceilings, they’re obviously compensating for something else,” the twins heckled in a below the belt joke about Keith’s manhood.

“When you are in your bedroom you want to feel safe and secure not that you are living in a cathedral,” Luke said. He better pray that he’s right come judgment day when compared to Ronnie and Georgia’s Holy Grail (a 5.8m ceiling).

Keith thinks the twins’ low ceilings will be a tall order for the judges. Picture: supplied, Channel 9
Keith thinks the twins’ low ceilings will be a tall order for the judges. Picture: supplied, Channel 9

The Perth couple have also installed the largest window in Block history which stands at an impressive 5m high.

Of course, those loft ceilings come at a cost – in the form of an unsightly support pole.

The couple discovered that a fireplace they’d axed from their house was structural and held those high ceilings in place. It needed to be replaced with a new support beam, throwing their entire floorplan into disarray.

The last-minute change had Georgia fuming. She was understandably upset that no-one had consulted with them before shifting the pole’s position (which had been in place for three weeks and been an anchor point for their entire house lay-out) without any sort of consultation.

“Unfortunately, she doesn’t like that new location, it’s messing with her lay-out, but the roof can’t fall down,” Dan explained with a shrug before calling in the big guns (architect, Julian Brenchley).

His solution: live with it and make it a feature of the house. Georgia wasn’t having a bar of that and vowed to fight them to fix (and pay for) the problem they’d created.

Georgia refuses to admit defeat on the pole, arguing her case with architect Julian Brenchley. Picture: Supplied, Channel 9
Georgia refuses to admit defeat on the pole, arguing her case with architect Julian Brenchley. Picture: Supplied, Channel 9

Ronnie, however, was far less concerned. He was back on an even keel after an uncharacteristic meltdown the day before.

He explained that his tantrum was the result of a medical condition, revealing he’d been diagnosed with ADHD three years ago and used medication and exercise to manage his condition.

The workload on The Block had prevented him from getting to the gym, which had contributed to his inability to focus and lose control.

“Moral of the story is healthy body, healthy mind,” he said.

Kirsty and Jesse were also trying to find their own ways to cope with stress. And they had to dig deep to get their works underway.

Having decided to build their master bedroom on the ground floor, they had a huge excavation job to do to before they could even start on pulling the room together.

The huge task meant Jesse was working around the clock while Kirsty decided it was the perfect time to down tools and have a bit of a singalong in between shopping trips.

Kirsty takes some time out with her guitar to croon some Dolly Parton hits. Picture: Supplied, Channel 9
Kirsty takes some time out with her guitar to croon some Dolly Parton hits. Picture: Supplied, Channel 9

To cure the blues (and prove she’s not a one trick palette pony), the country singer also sought the advice of a colour consultant to help get her out of her colour scheme rut.

While the consultant urged her to try something dramatic with a dark navy that bordered on black for her walls, Kirsty decided to throw that suggestion out the window and go with a pastel green and white theme. Sigh. At least it’s not blue and white again.

Tanya and Vito thankfully were throwing a bit more caution to the wind with their tobacco, teal and pink colour scheme.

They had their own hurdles though. Vito was again struggling to get all his ducks in a row for judging. Or should that be, his skylights and wardrobe in a row.

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Admitting he’s someone who likes everything symmetrical (which certainly wasn’t evident in week one with his wonky-walled room), Vito was struggling to come to terms with the fact his skylights and wardrobe didn’t line up.

Amid all the chaos, the teams found time to show hosts Shelley Craft and Scott Cam around their building sites and give one of the show’s many sponsors, Kinsman wardrobes, a bit of a plug. Shelley arrived on site clutching a vintage Chanel handbag worth $8000 that will be given to the team which pulls off the best wardrobe styling for judging.

Host Shelley Craft showcases the Chanel bag that will be given to the team with the best wardrobe styling. Picture: Supplied, Channel 9
Host Shelley Craft showcases the Chanel bag that will be given to the team with the best wardrobe styling. Picture: Supplied, Channel 9

There was time too for the teams to take part in a very special challenge, facing off to create two outdoor spaces for disability support service Bayley House.

The task saw old rivalries put aside as the contestants were split into two teams — fans versus favourites. Both worked hard to create colourful and user-friendly areas to do art projects, make music and play sports.

Ultimately the fans nudged out the competition with their karaoke machine and vegetable garden, winning themselves $10,000 to split three ways.

Being part of the project even brought a smile to Mark’s face. Mitch had earlier reflected on the subtle differences in their personalities with his usual wry wit.

“Mark hasn’t got as much magnetism as I have and when he’s not forcing out a smile,” Mitch said before breaking into a spot-on impersonation of Mark’s forced grin. “He has got a bit of an angry, resting bitch face so it’s harder to warm to. He’s got a very small mouth and his teeth aren’t very good so that probably doesn’t inspire him to grow the mouth.”

Sheesh, who needs enemies when you have the brutal honesty of a spouse!


Episode 10: Serious Block accident leads to walkout

Episode 9: ‘Atrocious’ bathroom stuns Block judges

Episode 7 & 8: Block contestants worried about ‘novice’

Episode 6: Absolute bulls***: Fury over judges’ ruling

Episode 5: Boozy night lands one Block team in hospital

Episode 3 & 4: Love Island twins accuse Mitch and Mark of copying

Episode 2: Love Island twins stick boot into country singer

Episode 1: Shocks, showdowns and soup-inspired style

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