Research from Finder reveals biggest secrets Australian renters keep from their landlords
Aussies are bending the truth or keeping a swag of secrets about their rental homes in order keep their landlords happy, a shock new study has revealed.
Aussies renters are keeping a swag of secrets from landlords in order to help secure a rental or leave with their full bond, according to a shock new study
New research from Australian comparison site Finder has revealed that one in four renters hide parts of their lives from landlords.
The Finder survey found that 26 per cent of renters admitted to lying about aspects of their lives while 74 per cent said they had never lied about their behaviour as a renter.
The most common lie, making up 10 per cent of renters surveyed, was keeping a pet at the home without permission.
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Smoking or vaping came second with seven per cent of renters admitting they do it indoors despite no smoking policies.
Covering up damage or making improvements without asking permission made up six per cent of renter lies, while five per cent of tenants admitted to subletting to an extra person without the proper approvals in order to make cash on the side.
A further three per cent of renters admitted to renting out the home on platforms like Stayz or Airbnb without permission.
Finder’s money expert Sarah Megginson urged renters to be very careful about lying to their landlords.
“Keeping things from your landlord or real estate agent could be classified as a breach of your tenancy agreement, which is a document that outlines the legal rights and responsibilities of both the tenant and property manager or owner,” she said.
“This type of breach could result in the loss of your bond, could see your rental agreement terminated or could even result in your landlord taking legal action against you, depending on the nature of the lie.
“Even for something you might consider to be a smaller white lie, you could risk throwing yourself back into a highly competitive rental market with a black mark against your name if you’re not truthful.”
A separate Finder survey of 510 Aussies who have rented in the last five years found 36 per cent had lost some or all of their rental bond.
Loss of bonds were mainly due to carpet and floorboard damage or pet related damage.
“When it comes to renting, obviously honesty is generally the best policy as it can be costly to skip the proper processes,” Ms Megginson said.
“Lying to a landlord can have significant consequences, which could haunt you for years to come.
“Disclosing issues like property damage upfront rather than trying to hide things can help you get in front of the problem, and ultimately save you money and heartache down the track.”
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• Having a pet – 10 per cent
• Smoking/vaping in a smoke-free space – 7 per cent
• Hiding damage (eg holes in walls) – 6 per cent
• Making improvements to the property – 6 per cent
• Subletting to an extra person without proper documentation – 5 per cent
• Rented out on Airbnb, Stayz etc. without permission – 3 per cent
• Running a commercial business on the property – 2 per cent
• Other – 1 per cent
• I haven’t hidden anything from my landlord – 74 per cent
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Originally published as Research from Finder reveals biggest secrets Australian renters keep from their landlords