
Tenants take to Twitter to share their horror landlord stories

From bubbling sewage to police protection, disgusted housing tenants are sharing their landlord horror stories on Twitter.

Disgusting conditions in rental home

One of the true horrors of being a Gen Z or Millenial, is know that you’ll most likely be renting your whole life — which means dealing with landlords.

Now, they’re not all bad, in fact some are downright decent, but still there’s a never-ending supply of horror stories from renters who were treated terribly by their landlords. And when people do share their bad stories, we can’t help but read every word and cringe.It’s like witnessing a car crash.

"We had a landlord who tried to increase our rent on the basis of the financial situation HE was facing in the early months of the pandemic" – @XavierRN
"We had a landlord who tried to increase our rent on the basis of the financial situation HE was facing in the early months of the pandemic" – @XavierRN

Like listening to my friends recently as they told me that their landlord first of all lied about having separate water and electricity metres for the occupied granny flat out the back, then admitted the lie but still expected my friends to pay for the granny flat tenant. Wild times.

The latest thread of horror was started by writer Liz Duck-Chong, who took to Twitter to get renter’s tales of woe. Boy, did they deliver.

They hate spending money on repairs

As we all know, landlords love to cut corners. My current landlord is great, but that didn’t stop them picking the cheapest toilet seat even though it’s too small for the toilet and feels a little bit like surfing every time I sit down.

There’s also my old landlord who thought a solution to the black mould permeating the apartment that gave me pneumonia was to simply paint over it.

Both of these instances are nothing, though, compared to some of the Twitter tales. Like stories of collapsed roofs and sewerage overflow.

Although they’re perfectly happy to make you pay

In fact, they hate paying for repairs so much that they are more than OK asking you to pay for issues that have nothing to do with you.

Like a global pandemic, for instance. Or natural disasters. Or even home repairs that should have been done years before you ever arrived.

Of course, then there’s the downright creepy

Still, I’d choose a cheap landlord over the downright creepy and bizarre any day. When will they realise that if they’re renting out their property, the don’t get to control every move their tenants make? And they certainly don’t get to invite themselves around on a whim.

Of course, these are only a few entries from a very long thread. Honestly I could sit and read it all day. But the summary is: landlords suck.

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