
Temperatures in NSW & Vic rental properties drop below WHO’s ‘safe’ number

A new study has discovered that rental properties in Australia are dropping below the ‘safe’ temperature recommended by WHO.

Rent prices surge amid cost of living crisis

If you have ever sat in your rental home, shivering your butt off despite having a heater on (or at least, having it on for as long as you can afford in this cost of living crisis) and wondering why your home won’t get warm — a new study has revealed you’re not the only one.

In fact, the initial findings of a the study — conducted by tenants’ advocacy group Better Renting — found that rental homes in New South Wales and Victoria are below the World Health Organisation’s recommended “safe and well-balanced” 18ºC a full 70 per cent of the winter.

The World Health Organisation lists 18C as the lowest 'safe' temperature. Picture: iStock
The World Health Organisation lists 18C as the lowest 'safe' temperature. Picture: iStock

Not to mention, the lowest house temperature recorded so far was a toe-numbingly low 6ºC. The study is still ongoing, but this is enough to start raising eyebrows.

Speaking to the ABC, the group’s founder and executive director, Joel Dignam, said that even beyond these 18ºC, there were very low temperatures seen in even relatively warm parts of the two states.

“Even in some relatively warmer parts of Australia, the average temperatures are still really low. So in New South Wales and Victoria, the average temperature in the rental properties we’re tracking is still below 18ºC,” he said.

To reach the conclusion, the group used around-the-clock temperature trackers inside 70 rental homes over seven weeks during winter. Admittedly that’s not a lot of houses, but if every Sydney rental I’ve ever had are anything to go by, I personally believe this to be a widespread problem.

Actual footage of Aussie rental homes. Picture: iStock
Actual footage of Aussie rental homes. Picture: iStock

Not to mention that, in Sydney at least, this has been the Autumn and Winter of incredibly high rainfall, and therefore incredibly widespread and fast growing mould. Landlords have been telling renters it’s not only their responsibility to fix it, but that the solution was to leave windows open for ventilation. So basically, renters can’t win.

I shouldn’t have to wear a puffer jacket inside my own home just to hit a bearable body temperature, that’s all I’m saying.

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