Census shows the godless suburbs and how yours has changed
INTERACTIVE: Which suburb is the most godless? Or the wealthiest? Find out how much your postcode has changed.
IT'S Australia's most godless suburb.
More than 55 per cent of people in the small Victorian community of Tankerton have no religious affiliation, the highest for any suburb in the country, according to the 2011 census.
Located on French Island, 60km southeast of Melbourne, the suburb with a 3921 postcode may have experienced a severe crisis of faith since the last national stocktake in 2006, with a more than 13 per cent jump in those who ticked the "no religion" box.
Tankerton was not alone though, with SA's Salisbury South (54 per cent) and WA's Gascoyne River (52 per cent) having more than half their inhabitants with no religious identification. The Victorian suburbs of Sherbrooke and Fitzroy North were also not far behind with 48 per centt and 46 per cent respectively.
You can see where your suburb fits in by typing the postcode into our interactive graphic
These suburbs pinpoint what has been a general trend of Australians losing their faith in recent years, with 22 per cent (close to 4.8 million) now saying they have no affiliation whatsoever.
The figure was 18 per cent in 2006 and has continually shrunk since 96 per cent of people identified themselves as Christian in 1911.
Even Baulkham Hills in NSW, home to the headquarters of the Hillsong Church, recorded a five per cent drop (68 per cent) in people declaring as Christian. The number of people with no religious affiliation grew by nearly three per cent (14.8 per cent).
A suburb-by-suburb breakdown of census data also shows a battle between the nation's east coast and west coast for the title of wealthiest suburb and the nation's capital laying claim to the most educated people.
Sydney's lower north shore suburb of Mosman just pipped Cottesloe in Perth for the money bags crown, with families earning an average of $2,838 and $2,823 a week respectively.
Woollahra ($2,781) and Hunters Hill ($2,763) in Sydney and Nedlands ($2,748) and Mosman Park ($2,555) in WA were next on the list, followed by Hamilton ($2,470) in Queensland and Victoria's Windsor ($2,269).
And Canberrans will be quietly admiring their degrees after the suburbs of Acton and Mitchell recorded 86 per cent of people educated to a Year 12 level or above -- the highest number in the nation. Toowong (82 per cent) in Queensland, Nedlands (82 per cent) in WA and Gordon (81 per cent) in NSW also scored highly.
You can find out all the information on your suburb - including income levels, ages, ancestry, languages, religion, education and internet use – and compare it to the last census by using our interactive graphic.