Revealed: Townsville’s cheapest rents
The suburbs where Townsville tenants can lease for less have been revealed with new data showing where the region’s cheapest median rents can be found.
Hermit Park is home to Townsville’s cheapest house rents with new data revealing where tenants can lease for less.
The latest data from PropTrack showed the median house rent for greater Townsville was $530 a week in February, up from $480 12 months prior.
The average unit rent was also up, from $390 in February 2024 to $425 in February 2025.
The median house rent in Hermit Park was sitting at $422 a week, making it the lowest in Townsville.
This was down from $430 a week on average in March 2024.
Coming in second was Hyde Park with an average house rent of $445, up from $390 a year ago.
Next was Balgal Beach with a median house rent of $450, up from $390 12 months prior, followed by Gulliver, sitting at $470 and up from $450 in a year, and Currajong, sitting at $470 a week, up from $430.
In the unit market, Hyde Park and Currajong had the cheapest rents on average at $350 a week, up from $330 and $320 respectively year-on-year.
Third place was Pimlico with a median unit rent of $360, up from $345 a week a year ago, followed by Rosslea with an average rent of $370, up from $350 in 12 months, and Hermit Park at $375, up from $340.
The most recent REIQ vacancy rate data showed Townsville tenants had faced a tight rental market since the start of the covid pandemic. The latest REIQ data showed the Townsville vacancy rate was sitting at 1.2 per cent in December 2024 and had hovered around the 1 per cent mark for 20 quarters.
The lowest vacancy rate recorded during that period was 0.5 per cent in both the June 2022 and September 2022 quarters, while the 1.2 per cent of December last year was the highest recorded quarterly vacancy rate since June 2020.
The Townsville vacancy rate did not dip below 3 per cent between September 2013 and September 2019.
Suburb | Median rent |
Hermit Park | $422 |
Hyde Park | $445 |
Balgal Beach | $450 |
Gulliver | $470 |
Currajong | $470 |
Aitkenvale | $480 |
Condon | $480 |
Rosslea | $480 |
Rasmussen | $480 |
Heatley | $480 |
(Source: PropTrack)
Suburb | Median rent |
Hyde Park | $350 |
Currajong | $350 |
Pimlico | $360 |
Rosslea | $370 |
Hermit Park | $375 |
West End | $380 |
Cranbrook | $380 |
Kirwan | $380 |
Aitkenvale | $380 |
Mundingburra | $385 |
(Source: PropTrack)
Originally published as Revealed: Townsville’s cheapest rents