
Kochie tells how to avoid being audited by the ATO

THE ATO is now keener than ever to crack down on suspect tax returns. Here’s how you can avoid the dreaded audit.

Kochie's tips on how to get the biggest tax rebate

EACH year the Australian Taxation Office reveals its targets for this year’s tax season.

While the ATO computers analyse all tax returns against varying benchmarks, this year work-related expenses (especially laundry and clothing deductions) as well as investment property income and deductions will receive closer than normal attention.

With the most powerful computers in the country matching data from just about every facet of your financial life, there really is no escaping a tax auditor’s gaze.

BEWARE: Wise up to tax time scams

The Australian Taxation Office has a scheme to match consumption data (instead of just income) against tax returns of individuals.

For example they look at those people who have bought things like boats, race horses, antiques and luxury cars.

They then check the tax returns of those people to see if they can “really” afford those items.

It has turned up some amazing results.

The best advice to escape trouble this year is the same as always — don’t push the envelope.

If you attract the attention of the ATO with a few small mistakes, you might quickly find your records being scrutinised top to bottom.

And that’s no fun.

So as group certificates start to hit the mailbox, take a second to set a reminder for these common tax mistakes.

Tax time is for getting many happy returns, without the stress of an audit.
Tax time is for getting many happy returns, without the stress of an audit.

Missing income

Forgetting to report income is very easy to do and, thanks to the ATO’s comprehensive data matching systems, very easily detected.

Think interest income, short term contract or freelance work, government benefits, bonuses, dividends and any other passive income that might have come into your account.

Last year the ATO cross-referenced tax return information against almost a billion transactions provided to them by third parties to track down omitted income and incorrectly claimed offsets.

Even the records from AirBnB and Uber are given to the ATO, so the “sharing” and digital economy is caught by the data collection program.

That resulted in a huge number of tax payers getting a call from the Australian Taxation Office for dicey discrepancies.

Don’t be one of the people caught this year.

Unclear expense claims

It is important to ensure all eligible tax deductions are taken advantage of in order to avoid paying a dollar more in tax than necessary.

But whatever you do, don’t overstep the line.

There is plenty of information on the ATO website and throughout the MyTax program, so doing it yourself is no excuse for ignorance either.

Be sure to check out any special deductions that are applicable to your circumstances, but don’t go claiming things that push the envelope.

We recently read a suggestion from one “expert” claiming women could buy a $2000 handbag and claim it as work deduction if it carried their laptop.

While claiming a computer bag is deductible, we reckon claiming a designer handbag just pushes it a bit far.

A too-smart-by-half move which could get you into trouble.

As already mentioned, it only takes one or two little fudges and suddenly the tax man will be combing your records with a fine tooth comb.

Don’t take the risk.

If you get a great return, make sure it’s all aboveboard.
If you get a great return, make sure it’s all aboveboard.

Not lodging

This sounds a bit obvious, but there are lots of people that get behind in lodging their tax returns and are then too scared to catch up.

It’s worth noting that tax agents have a bit longer to get returns in, so if you can’t afford your tax bill or are really late it might be worth approaching a professional to lodge for you.

Remember fines are applicable if you miss the end of October deadline each year, but the ATO is usually pretty lenient in applying these and really isn’t the big bad guy it is made out to be.

The Australian Taxation Office is always willing to negotiate payment plans for outstanding tax and provide help to those in need, so pick up the phone and get your tax filings back on track this year.

SAVVY: Maximise your tax return

Reckless record keeping

The number of times I’ve had people come up to me and say “I’m getting audited, what do I do?”, followed by the revelation their records are a mess or even non-existent, astounds me.

If there is one thing you do to stay safe at tax time, keep better records.

Not only does good organisation make any audit a way easier process, but it helps your understand financial position better, identify extra deductions that would have otherwise gone unclaimed, and ultimately get you in a better tax position.

So while you’re detecting deductions this year, also spend some time making sure you’re doing the right thing by the tax man too.

It can save a lot of time, trouble and money down the track.

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