
School holiday money lessons for children can last a lifetime

Without the distractions of homework or study stress, school holidays is a great time to impart financial wisdom that could help your kids for life. Here’s a few easy lessons.

Easy budget hacks to save your family $$

School holidays are a great time to grow good money habits in children through some valuable lessons.

There’s no homework, school sports or study stress to distract their learning, and the knowledge they gain can last a lifetime.

It may be as simple as giving them spending money on a day out and asking them to pay their own way, or could be a more complex introduction to investing for older children.

With sharemarkets recently posting their strongest performances in years, highlighting the power of putting money away for the future is easier than usual.

“The biggest lesson you can teach your kids is that money runs out,” said Rise High Financial Solutions managing director Marissa Schulze.

“There’s not an endless supply.”

Here are some money lessons to beat school holiday boredom and build a brighter financial future:

Children should learn that money’s a balancing act. Illustration: John Tiedemann
Children should learn that money’s a balancing act. Illustration: John Tiedemann


“I think school holidays are a great time to teach kids money lessons,” Ms Schulze said.

“They have a lot of free time on their hands, and may have some extra time available to earn money themselves.

“Get your kids to think about what are the ways they can earn money. It might be some chores, or mowing the neighbours’ lawn or starting a little business. Can they be a bit entrepreneurial?”

Smart Financial Solutions director Fatima Dib said children shouldn’t be paid extra for regular household chores but doing things above normal duties could be rewarded.

“For example; cleaning out the fridge or washing windows could attract a gold coin payment,” she said.


“Young children do not understand the value of money so please don’t set unrealistic expectations by overpaying them for chores,” Ms Dib said.

“I am always horrified when I hear that children have been paid $20 for vacuuming or whatever. It’s just too much.

“My children were never paid more than $2 to do similar tasks. And they were always still ecstatic.”

Get your kids to think about what are the ways they can earn money, such as through chores. Picture: iStock
Get your kids to think about what are the ways they can earn money, such as through chores. Picture: iStock


Ms Dib suggested creating a school holiday budget.

“You may want to ask them to write down five things they would like to do,” she said.

“Then have them research the cost of these activities and have them work with you on calculating whether or not they can do these activities with the budget allocated.

“It will be highly likely that the budget will not cover the five activities. Ask the children to then pick their top three and calculate affordability.

“Children will very quickly start to understand that they have to make the best possible decision based on the money they have to spend. The other alternative is for them to do more chores to earn more money … This will also reduce the boredom – a win-win situation.”

ASIC’s website has valuable advice about teaching kids about money.

It says parents can work discussions into everyday life at the supermarket, ATM, paying bills or doing a budget. This can help children better understand the costs of family life and how much can be saved for other things.


Ms Dib said parents should show their own financial vulnerability and normalise conversations around money.

“Talking about your money wins and your money losses will help them understand that money is an important part of life,” she said.

“Share with them how you overcome financial obstacles and what they can do with a financial windfall. Engage your children with discussions around bills and budgets.”


Ms Dib said there were some great apps available to help teach kids to save and budget, and it was vital to teach children how to transact online, but cash still had a place for young children.

“We are quickly becoming a cashless society, the need for everything to be accessible and instant,” she said.

Despite our move to online transactions, cash still has value as a training tool. Picture: Supplied
Despite our move to online transactions, cash still has value as a training tool. Picture: Supplied

“The danger here is how do we teach our children that digital money is real money?”

Giving cash for chores and saving in money boxes were great ways to start money conversations, Ms Dib said.

“I will never forget the first time my daughter made a purchase and handed over her $5 note,” she said.

“She stood in anticipation waiting to get some paper money back. Her change was two coins that were placed in the middle of her palm.

“She was horrified. ‘Where did my money go?’ she said trying to hold back her tears. There is a lot to be said when a child sees money leave their hands and not return until the next time they earn it.”


Ms Schulze said the January sales were a good time to teach smart shopping strategies.

While at the shops, parents could explain costs and discounts and how putting spending off now could deliver a bigger benefit later on, she said.

“Sales are a good time to teach children about the value of money and also delayed gratification,” Ms Schulze said.


“There’s no reason why you can’t develop good habits now that they can carry through to the school term,” Ms Schulze said.

“Once we have established a routine it’s easy to maintain it.”


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