
Census 2021: ABS to fine Australians $2200 for lying

Census night is fast approaching and there are serious consequences for anyone who decides not to answer questions properly.

CENSUS | Every Stat tells a Story

Census night is fast approaching and there’s a little known rule that could cost you big – to the tune of $2200.

Every five years, the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) asks every household to fill out a census form at exactly the same time to get a snapshot of the nation as a whole.

Census night is next Tuesday, August 10.

They ask questions including where we live, what our households look like, do we live alone or in multi-generational families, how much we earn or if we have any religious beliefs, to name a few.

It’s important because the information is used to shape the country’s health, education, transport and infrastructure needs.

A report by economic research company Lateral Economics found that for every dollar spent on the logistics of collecting census data, $6 was generated for the Australian economy.

As a result, the fines can be hefty if you don’t fill out the form – and even heftier if you lie on it.

As a few jokers found out the hard way 20 years ago, when the decided to mark ‘Jedi’ as their official religion.

RELATED: Everything you need to know about census 2021

Census is happening next week.
Census is happening next week.

Can I be fined if I don‘t complete the census?

Well, yes.

The ABS website says: “The Census is compulsory. Everyone who is staying in your household on Census night must be included. This includes visitors and babies.

“You can be fined if you refuse to complete the Census or submit an incomplete form.”

Under the Census and Statistics Act 1905, you can be issued a Notice of Direction, which directs you in writing to complete the census.

If that doesn’t make you do it, you can be prosecuted and fined up to $222 a day.

Can I be fined if I make a mistake on the census?

The census form asks a lot of specific questions about yourself – such as how much money you make and how much your rent or mortgage costs.

With such specific questions, it’s possible you might make a mistake and get a number wrong in your response.

On their website, the ABS has assured census respondents that you won’t be punished if you make a mistake.

However, that’s a different story if you lie or make up an answer.

You can be fined $222 every day that you fail to hand in your census form.
You can be fined $222 every day that you fail to hand in your census form.

What happens if I lie on the census form?

“It’s important to know that it’s an offence to provide false or misleading statements or information,” the ABS warns.

The penalty is a fine of up to $2220.

Some lies would be pretty obvious to census officials.

During the 2001 census, there was a debacle as thousands of people lied about their religion for a laugh.

Officials knew they were lying because, well, it was pretty obvious.

They identified as being from the religious order of the Jedi – which is a Star Wars reference.

Glenn Capuano, a demographer who worked at the ABS for 10 years, wrote a humorous blog post about all the Aussies who decided to have a laugh at the census in 2001.

“A lot of people … answered ‘Jedi’, or some other variant such as ‘Jedi Knight’, ‘Jedi Master’, ‘Sith Lord’, or ‘Padawan’,” he explained for the religious question in the census.

“In the 2001 Census, there were just over 73,000 Jedi in Australia, or 0.37 per cent of the population.

“To put in perspective, if it was allowed as an ‘official’ religion, it would’ve been larger than the Salvation Army, Seventh Day Adventists, and only slightly smaller than Judaism.”

Census was furious, and put out an official statement disavowing any legitimate religious movement to the popular Star Wars franchise.

A few jokers thought it would a good idea to obviously lie about their religion.
A few jokers thought it would a good idea to obviously lie about their religion.

In a statement to on Thursday, an ABS spokesperson said most people did the right thing and that it was crucial for them to get the most accurate data possible.

“The vast majority of people fill in the census truthfully, and it’s really important that everyone answers the questions truthfully,” the spokesperson said.

“A key purpose of the census is to collect information for the compilation of official population estimates.

“These estimates are used for lots of purposes, such as the distribution of Commonwealth funding, setting of electoral boundaries and GST distribution.

“It’s not just about counting people and households. The census does so much more. The data collected by the census helps community groups, businesses and governments make important decisions and to plan for the future.

“Transport, schools, health care, roads and buildings are just some of the services Census data helps.”

If you feel the need to lie about your income on your census form in case you get into trouble with the tax department, you might want to think again.

The ABS says the information you give is not shared with any other government departments or agencies such as the police, Australian Taxation Office or Centrelink.

It is legally bound to protect the privacy of everyone and will not release information in a way that will identify any individual or household.

Information is usually released by area.

Census staff can face penalties of up to $26,400 or imprisonment for up to two years, or both, if confidentiality is broken.

After 18 months the ABS will destroy names and after 36 months they destroy addresses.

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