
Vegans outraged by animal fat banknotes

THE Bank of England has revealed there is beef tallow in its new five-pound notes, and the Brits are horrified.

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THE Bank of England has revealed there is animal fat in its new five pound notes, and the Brits are horrified.

The banknotes had already been in circulation for two months when the UK’s central bank confessed in a tweet yesterday that there is “a trace” of beef tallow in the polymer cash.

Vegans and vegetarians have expressed anger and disgust at having to use money containing animal products, and not being warned about it in advance. Religious groups including Hindus, Sikhs and Jains are also concerned, with many either being vegetarian or considering cows sacred creatures.

“Money just got a bit dirtier,” tweeted Chris R. Wright.

Twitter user Hazal posted: “We are aware that a lot of things may have animals traces BUT this one could be avoided.”

A petition to remove tallow from the five-pound note has gained more than 78,000 signatures, with actor Samantha Morton adding her voice to the cause.

The UK is only now making the move from paper to plastic banknotes, with the five-pound note the first to change. The Bank of England has said all notes will be made of the “cleaner, more secure, and more durable” polymer by 2020.

Australia has used plastic banknotes since 1988, and all of them contain animal fat. The Reserve Bank adds “minuscule” amounts of tallow to the plastic from which our notes are made.

Tallow is a rendered form of beef fat that is solid at room temperature.

Some were unsympathetic over concerns about the presence of animal by-products in cash.

“As an omnivore, I demand my #FivePoundNote contains at least one animal ingredient,” tweeted Lyndon Dudding.

“Vegans your #fivepoundnote has probably been used to buy meat quite a few times before it got to you, so you’re actually using blood money,” said Mr Mangoo.

“If nobody wants their new five-pound notes which may contain traces of animal fat please feel free to post through my door,” tweeted The Voice UK star Deano Boroczky.

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