
Federal budget 2021: Domestic violence prevention receives $1.1 billion funding boost

The government today has committed a massive amount of money to tackling a hideous blight on Australia that it is desperate to change.

Budget 2021 in 90 seconds

After months of heated discussion about the welfare of women in Australia and several shocking cases of domestic violence making national headlines, the government has revealed a massive $1.1 billion package to combat the blight on our nation.

In the federal budget today, the government outlined some of the sickening domestic violence statistics that it is desperate to change.

It says that, on average, one woman is killed every nine days by their partner in Australia, and that one in four women have experienced physical and/or sexual violence from a current or previous intimate partner since the age of 15.

In response, the Morrison government says it is taking action.

“Everyone has the right to be safe at home, at work and online. The government is delivering measures that address the high rates of violence against women and children,” the budget reads.

“This funding will provide immediate support for victims of domestic violence. Our plan will help victims who escape dangerous situations. It will also assist women to access appropriate and timely specialist services, including effective legal support.”

Women leaving violent relationships face financial hardship. Picture: Biel Morro/Unsplash
Women leaving violent relationships face financial hardship. Picture: Biel Morro/Unsplash

Addressing the problem

Broken down, this means the government will invest $164.8 million in providing financial support for women who escape domestic violence.

Under the package, for the next two years, victims can receive payments of up to $1500 in immediate cash and a further $3500 in kind for goods or direct payments of bonds, school fees or other items.

Additional funding of $12.6 million over three years will be provided for Safe Places program projects to renovate, build or purchase emergency accommodation for women and children fleeing a violent situation at home.

Hundreds of millions of dollars will also be spent on assistance to help victims navigate the legal system.

This includes $129 million in increased funding for legal assistance services, to ensure that women can access the justice system.

A further $101.4 million will be spent to increase access to Children’s Contact Services, to ensure that separated parents are able to safely manage the contact and changeover of their children.

A total of $85 million will be used to expand family law frontline services to ensure that each family law court with a permanent judge has access to Family Advocacy and Support Services.

Finally, $60.8 million will be spent on directly funding reform of the family law courts, to significantly shorten the time separating families spend in litigation.

The government is further contributing $261.4 million to establish a new agreement with the states and territories for frontline family, domestic and sexual violence support services.

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One woman is killed every nine days on average. Picture: Jenna Norman/Unsplash
One woman is killed every nine days on average. Picture: Jenna Norman/Unsplash

Tackling the root cause

The government says it will also invest $35.1 million in an effort to prevent violent attitudes developing in young people.

It said that while “attitudes towards violence against women are improving, some attitudes remain concerning” – citing research suggesting one in five Australians believe that many actions that constitute domestic violence are normal reactions to day-to-day stress and frustration.

Similarly, two in five Australians believe that women make up false reports of sexual assault to punish men.

In a bid to change attitudes like this from a young age, the government says it will spend $35.1 million on prevention.

This will include expanding national primary prevention campaigns to address new and emerging issues targeted at young people, as well as continuing the ‘Stop It At The Start’ campaign — which it says will address gaps in young people’s awareness.

The government says it is investing in new programs to better inform young Australians about consent and respectful relationships.

Millions to reform perpetrators

The government says it is also funding services to help perpetrators change their behaviour. Part of this will be the funding of $4.1 million over three years for the Co-ordinated Enforcement and Support to Eliminate (CEASE) Domestic Violence Program trial.

It says the trial, which is focused on deterrence, will look at what works to address perpetrators’ use of violence and help to shape future responses.

Extended funding of $4.9 million over three years is also being provided for perpetrator-focused services, including the No To Violence Men’s Referral Service and MensLine Australia’s Changing for Good program.

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Domestic violence prevention is getting a massive boost. Picture: Sam Mooy/Getty Images
Domestic violence prevention is getting a massive boost. Picture: Sam Mooy/Getty Images

The government also wants to make it easier for victims to come forward.

Services Australia will create a pilot program that will provide specialist case management to victims and survivors, so they only need to tell their story once.

“This ‘Tell Us Once’ approach, will transform the service experience for customers affected by family, domestic or sexual violence,” the budget reads.

Meanwhile, the No Interest Loans Scheme for Family and Domestic Violence (NILS-DV) – which provides loans up to $2000 to help women get back on their feet – will be further promoted to ensure victims know the cash is available.

Funding of $3.7 million over four years is also being provided to strengthen disaster relief and recovery responses for women and children experiencing family, domestic and sexual violence, which can be worsened by natural disasters.

And an additional $26 million will be provided to Family Violence Prevention Legal Services (FVPLS) to improve support services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women. Funding will be directed to improving the quality, capability and cultural safety of indigenous and non-indigenous family violence services.

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