
Coronavirus Victoria: Eerie photos reveal apocalyptic scenes in Melbourne during stage 4 lockdown

The creepy images have to be seen to be believed on a sunny winter’s day typically adored by millions of tourists, shoppers and workers.

Melbourne joins world's strictest lockdowns for COVID-19

Each day Premier Daniel Andrews stood in front of the purple screen and revealed alarming statistics of Victorians failing to follow isolation rules, frustration and anger grew.

Melbourne residents were forced to retreat back indoors as coronavirus case numbers soared but as late as last week, one in four who had tested positive to the deadly pandemic were defying stay-at-home orders.

Case numbers continually peaked above 600, the death tally grew and the State Government ran out of patience leading to it imposing the stage 4 lockdown on Sunday.

The escalation in measures to contain the spread of the virus included some of the harshest restrictions placed on any jurisdiction around the world, which included an 8pm curfew.

By 8.30pm on Wednesday night, Mr Andrews applauded his constituents for finally doing the right thing in a tweet accompanied with photos of empty streets.

And the eerie scenes of soulless paths and roads in scenes resembling apocalyptic conditions continued into today.

RELATED: Eerie CCTV photos of silent Melbourne streets

RELATED: Victoria coronavirus live updates

Commuters have abandoned the iconic Flinders Street station. Picture: Andrew Henshaw
Commuters have abandoned the iconic Flinders Street station. Picture: Andrew Henshaw
Just a lonely chilly breeze blew through the CBD. Picture: Sarah MatrayNCA NewsWire
Just a lonely chilly breeze blew through the CBD. Picture: Sarah MatrayNCA NewsWire

The usually thriving metropolitan city where nearly five million people call home has become a ghost town.

Icy August winds blowing through the CBD rarely discourage a heavy flow of pedestrians, bustling to rooftop bars, restaurants and cafes typically adorned in AFL scarves and beanies.

Historic arcades left empty. Picture: David Crosling/NCA NewsWire
Historic arcades left empty. Picture: David Crosling/NCA NewsWire
Victorians must have a work permit to be out on the roads. Picture: David Crosling/NCA NewsWire
Victorians must have a work permit to be out on the roads. Picture: David Crosling/NCA NewsWire

But today there were no shoppers or office workers piling out of the Flinders Street Station.

Historic arcades sat empty, trams and major roads left abandoned.

All that could be captured by photographers was a rare glimpse of lonely mask-adorned walkers.

Eerie scenes on Melbourne’s empty roads. Picture: Andrew Henshaw
Eerie scenes on Melbourne’s empty roads. Picture: Andrew Henshaw
Just the one worker spotted on the typically bustling Collins Street. Picture: Sarah Matray/NCA NewsWire
Just the one worker spotted on the typically bustling Collins Street. Picture: Sarah Matray/NCA NewsWire

Fifty-three Melburnians have been fined for breaching the city’s stage 4 lockdown curfew since the harsh measure came into force on Sunday.

Melburnians are now only allowed to leave their homes within metropolitan Melbourne between 8pm and 5am for work, essential health or care and safety reasons.

A beautiful clear winter’s day would usually be a treat for tourists to shop and visit galleries. Picture: Andrew Henshaw
A beautiful clear winter’s day would usually be a treat for tourists to shop and visit galleries. Picture: Andrew Henshaw
Or walk along the water at Docklands. Picture: Tony Gough
Or walk along the water at Docklands. Picture: Tony Gough

Anyone caught travelling without a valid reason face $1652 fines.

Victoria’s Chief Police Commissioner Shane Patton said among the 53 people in breach of the curfew, three individuals were sprung coming back from a midnight McDonald’s run, and another travelled to a bottle shop, also at midnight.

“It’s relatively easy to fine people, we’ve put an extra 250 police to this operation – that’s in addition to 1500, at times 1750, officers and PSO’s every day conducting random roadblock and checks,” he told 3AW on Wednesday morning.

“The chances of getting caught are more significant than ever before.”

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