
Trump and Turnbull working on steel tariff exemption agreement for Australia

US PRESIDENT Donald Trump has taken to Twitter to confirm he and Malcolm Turnbull are working on an agreement to provide Australia an exemption from steel or aluminium tariffs.

Turnbull confirms Australia is exempt from Trump's tariffs

AN EXECUTIVE order will be signed by US President Donald Trump exempting Australia from steel or aluminium tariffs, Malcolm Turnbull has confirmed.

After ongoing discussion between the two nations, both leaders confirmed the exemption via social media on Saturday morning. Mr Trump took to Twitter to say he’d spoken with the prime minister.

“Working very quickly on a security agreement so we don’t have to impose steel or aluminium tariffs on our ally, the great nation of Australia!” he tweeted.

In response, the Prime Minister also tweeted about the conversation, writing: “Great discussion today on security and trade. Australia/US trade is fair & reciprocal & each of our nations has no closer ally.

“Thank you for confirming new tariffs won’t have to be imposed on Australian steel & aluminium — good for jobs in Australia and in US!”

Mr Turnbull later confirmed legal paperwork confirming the exemption was yet to be completed, but an executive order would put Mr Trump’s direction in place. Australia would not have to provide anything in return for the exemption, he added.

Mr Turnbull said Mr Trump had acknowledged the trade relationship between Australia and the US was a fair and reciprocal one.

“It’s a level playing field. In fact, the US has a large trade surplus with Australia,” Mr Turnbull told reporters in South Australia.

Earlier Mr Trump took to Twitter to praise Australia’s commitment to a fair and reciprocal trade and military relationship.

Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull said President Trump agreed to give Australia an exemption from US steel tariffs. Picture: AAP Image/Dean Lewins
Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull said President Trump agreed to give Australia an exemption from US steel tariffs. Picture: AAP Image/Dean Lewins

“Working very quickly on a security agreement so we don’t have to impose steel or aluminium tariffs on our ally, the great nation of Australia!”

US trading partners were on Friday given a 15 day window to negotiate exemptions to the tariffs, due to come into effect in a fortnight.

But Australian Industry Group Chief Executive Innes Willox said the tariff announcement would still hurt companies even if an exemption was granted. “While we hope that Australia will win exemptions from the latest steel and aluminium tariffs, this would be only a partial victory,” Mr Willox said on Friday.

He said any special treatment afforded to Australia would only apply to shipments coming out of the country, and not to those from Australian companies in third markets.

“As a country with a high reliance on trade, the risks of broader damage to the global economy from a trade war are great,” Mr Willox said.

Former prime minister Kevin Rudd said that even if Australia secured an exemption, a global tit-for-tat was a concern. He disagreed with Mr Trump’s belief that trade wars are good.

“History tells us they are bad, and they end up causing not just a contraction in global trade but, as a result of that, a contraction in global growth,” he told ABC on Saturday.

The news comes after Trump signed an order for the 25 per cent tariffs on steel imports and 10 per cent for aluminium at the White House on Thursday to counter cheap imports, especially from China, which he described as “an assault on our country”.

However, he said “real friends” of the US could win waivers from the measures, which come into force after 15 days. In the event he exempted Canada and Mexico, fellow members of the North American Free Trade Agreement which he is trying to renegotiate.

Brazil, which after Canada is the biggest steel supplier to the US market, said it wanted to join the list. Argentina made a similar case.

US President Donald Trump shows his signature on Section 232 Proclamations on Steel and Aluminum Imports. Picture: AFP
US President Donald Trump shows his signature on Section 232 Proclamations on Steel and Aluminum Imports. Picture: AFP

Japan, the US’s top economic and military ally in Asia, was next in line. Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga told a news conference that Japan’s steel and aluminium shipments posed no threat to US national security.

The European Union, the world’s biggest trade bloc, chimed in. “Europe is certainly not a threat to American internal security so we expect to be excluded,” European trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmstrom said in Brussels.

Ms Malmstrom told reporters the EU was ready to complain to the World Trade Organisation, and retaliate within 90 days. She will meet US Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer and Japanese Trade Minister Hiroshige Seko in Brussels on Saturday when she will ask whether the EU is to be included in the tariffs.

Other officials at the EU, by far the biggest trading partner of the US by value, have warned it could take countermeasures including European tariffs on US oranges, tobacco and bourbon.

US President Donald Trump and Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull shake hands. Picture: AFP
US President Donald Trump and Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull shake hands. Picture: AFP

Brussels has reminded Trump that tit-for-tat trade measures deepened the Great Depression in the 1930s and in the 2000s cost thousands of US jobs when Washington imposed tariffs on European steel.

In Sydney, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull cited Washington’s strong relationship with Australia, adding: “There is no case for imposing tariffs on Australian steel.”

Trade tensions between Washington and Beijing have risen since Trump took office last year. China accounts for only a small fraction of US steel imports, but its rapid rise to produce half the world’s steel has helped create a global glut that has driven down prices.

Beijing vowed to “firmly defend its legitimate rights and interests”. The tariffs would “seriously impact the normal order of international trade,” the Ministry of Commerce said.

China’s steel and metals associations urged the government to retaliate, citing imports from the US ranging from stainless steel to coal, agricultural products and electronics. It was the most explicit threat yet from the country in the escalating trade row.

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