
The great kart caper: Brazen robbery in the middle of the day

Matt Morris is a quiet, respectful suburban husband and father but beneath the framework of his pleasant demeanour is a tormented soul, mystified by the brazen robbery of his backyard shed 12 months ago - We now launch a new effort to recover his kart with a $10,500 reward.

Matt Morris in his
Matt Morris in his

Matt Morris is a quiet, respectful suburban husband and father but beneath the framework of his pleasant demeanour is a tormented soul, mystified by the brazen robbery of his backyard shed 12 months ago - We now launch a new effort to recover his kart with a $10,500 reward.

Matt Morris is a quiet, respectful suburban husband and father but beneath the framework of his pleasant demeanour is a tormented soul, mystified by the brazen robbery of his backyard shed 12 months ago - while his family was home. On June 17, 2018, under the noisy cover of a winter downpour, thieves made off from the Torrensville property in Adelaide’s west with the 44-year-old’s restored vintage racing kart. Mr Morris is so devastated by the theft, he has posted a $7500 reward - and Stratco has kicked in a $3000 voucher - that’s $10,500 for the kart’s recovery.

The kart was gifted to Mr Morris by his father, David, when he was eight years old.

The historic 1963-64 Rupp Grand Prix racer is estimated to be one of less than five in Australia and holds untold sentimental value, having been formerly owned by a late friend of Mr Morris’s father, who was killed in an accident.

The kart left a depression in the Morris family’s tall brush fence as it was lifted over and the Morris family hopes people will share his story to find it. The theft makes no sense to Mr Morris, raised in the naturally cordial norms of country living in Lameroo. It has also impacted one of his daughters Marley, almost 10, who has needed counselling, no longer trusting the sanctity and safety of the family’s home.

Mr Morris believes the bandits were familiar with the layout of his property and the contents of his shed, possibly among those at his address in response to a Gumtree ad for the sale of remote-control cars. He also believes they singled out the day for its inclement weather, ensuring he would be home so alarms would be switched off. It appears the theives gained entry to the shed, which is in good structural condition, after scaling a fence. The shed was unlock at the time as Matt had been working inside just prior to the brazzen robbery.

Police found no evidence of fingerprints and the case, despite a reward of $7500 and a $3000 Stratco voucher, has simply turned cold.


Mr Morris’s wife, Laura, took to social media with his plight and one tip-off came this month from NSW, about a possible sighting of the American-built kart. Police checked on the information and while there was a kart, as reported, it was not Mr Morris’s.

Soon after the theft, which included a remote control boat, tools, a skateboard and other items, a respondent to Mrs Morris’s plea suggested they had seen the kart in a white Toyota ute in the vicinity of Hackham. The memory stood out to the witness for the fact a kart of such quality was not tethered, simply left to roll around in the ute’s tray.

“I’m devastated,” said Mr Morris, who values the recently restored kart at $16,000. “I’m a fairly passive guy and as much as my inclination would be to break somebody’s legs it’d be more about (me making) a statement about not touching other people’s things. And while some things are replaceable, the kart is not. “It’s not just the time, effort and expense – and sourcing the rare parts ... I just wanted to get it back on the track with my Dad.”

Mr Morris’s father was a kart racer in the 1960s and the passion was carried on as Matt did circuits of the state’s various tracks as a lad under the watch of his Dad, then later with mates.

David Morris still lives in Lameroo, and the kart hails from Loxton. Matt often consulted with his father over the restoration. Matt, a sales expert to the plumbing industry, did his apprenticeship as a fitter and turner and made his own driveshaft for the unique twin-engined kart which is capable of up to 100mph.

“When I was a kid I worked with my Dad on getting the motors going,” he says. “But it was only about five years ago we decided it deserved a full restoration. My fondest memories in our shed were in showing friends and family the progress of the restoration.

“From a family perspective, the robbery has shaken us all – even last night, I was up checking on strange noises in the street.”

Mr Morris has all but lost hope in being reunited with the family heirloom. Its rarity deems it near unsaleable. He recognises every part that could be broken down and sold off. Recently, he sold the work stand he kept it on.


Mr Morris’s large sun-bathed tin shed is typical in its mix of the practical, the frivolous, and the ambitious - all skewed with the intrigue that comes from organised chaos. It starts admirably at the door, where a ply lining is also a shadow board for larger tools - including spots for the “good shovel” and the “old shovel”. The good shovel is nowhere to be seen.

There’s a pool table, somewhere. The treadmill isn’t usually kept there. There’s wife Laura’s vintage Beatles poster on a timber rail. Antique tool cabinets. Motorcycle parts. Bicycles hanging. Batteries and chargers. Work benches with mounted power tools set in the light of shingle windows. A “MoPar” Chrysler parts sign. Neat racks of labelled storage boxes. A blackboard with a “things to do” list, written by mates 10 years ago. A neatly signwritten tin placard above a window reads: “My wife said I never listen ... at least that is what I think she said” ... all in fun because, while Laura doesn’t use the shed much, she’s 100 per cent on board with the family significance of its worth. “Matt just loves tinkering out here and he loved working on the kart the most,” she says.

There are 11 remote-controlled fun machines; from speedboats to large-scale race buggies and even r/c skateboards. “They’re a heap of fun,” says Mr Morris. “... until you fall off, that is. I thought I’d broken a collarbone recently!”

Matt has big plans for the family shed – an extension in size and height, and an attached carport in the driveway. Meanwhile, he has added to his movement sensors with a secondary alarm system separate from the house, so the yard is secure while the home alarm is off. “I’m also planning cameras around the property,” he says.

And today, there are two more happy distractions in “Dad’s shed”. Despite the pit in his stomach and the reluctance that comes with overcoming a home invasion, Mr Morris is trying to move on. But typically, not in any standard way. On the floor is the bare backbone of a sand dune motorcycle, a Suzuki RV 90, denuded of its soon-to-be-restored parts. And beneath its neatly organised components, under a bed sheet, and under that pool table sits an especially rare beast - a motorcycle designed by a famous Formula One driver. In the 1970s, Kawasaki commissioned motorsport legend of desert, road and 1970s F1 racing, Parnelli Jones, to design a motorcycle that would fit in the boot of a standard car. The KV75’s folding handlebar design alone is marvel-worthy.

By the way, Jones also became a kart driver in the 1990s. “I found both these bikes on Gumtree for $600,” says Mr Morris. “I always liked the idea of racing motocross as a kid, on my Yamaha YZ80 J, but never did. I just rode at every opportunity, and later on with mates.”

So how much will he spend on these restorations? “I don’t think you’re allowed to ask that, are you?,” he says, not half-joking. Correct. And it’s the same with restoration timelines ... there are no deadlines because, even if you met them, what would you do with your shed time after that?

Do you have any information?

Help solve the crime against Matt Morris and his family. His shed is his sanctuary and that space has been violated. Now all that’s left for Matt are the memories of his collectable vintage Rupp racing kart. Stratco has answered the call of the Morris family’s social media plea and kicked in an additional $3000 voucher for the recovery of the kart. That’s a $10,500 bounty for the embodiment of so many memories. Share this story with your friends and lets help Matt recover his prized possession.

Originally published as The great kart caper: Brazen robbery in the middle of the day

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