
‘Scared’ Queer as Folk star Gale Harold seeks protection against ex-girlfriend

A STAR of the hit show Queer as Folk has asked a judge for protection from an ex-girlfriend, claiming she once threw a jar at his head.

An actor who starred on the hit television drama Queer as Folk has asked a judge for protection from an ex-girlfriend, claiming she once threw a coin jar at his head.

According to documents obtained by TMZ, Gale Harold — who played Brian Kinney on the popular drama — got a restraining order against ex Danielle Saklofsky after telling a judge, “I am afraid.”

Harold claims he tried ending the relationship with Saklofsky, who told him, “I will never let you leave me.”

He also claims she attacked him outside a restaurant yelling, “You cannot leave me, I will destroy you” before physically assaulting him.

Show time... Harold, second from right, with other Queer as Folk cast members.

The actor says there were other attacks — including the time she tried hitting him in the head with a jar full of coins.

Saklofksy got her own restraining order against Harold, and has a completely different version of events. She claims the actor grabbed her by her ponytail and then slapped her.

Things have gotten so petty between the two, they’re even arguing over height and weight. In Harold’s court documents, he describes Saklofsky as 165cm and 65kgs. In her response, she says, “The physical attributes are wrong ... I am about 170cm and weigh 54kgs.

They’re both ordered to stay 100 metres away from each other.

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