Richie Strahan and Alex Nation are putting marriage and kids on hold after The Bachelor finale
THEY are ready to declare their love to the world — but The Bachelor Richie Strahan and Alex Nation reveal they aren’t ready for marriage.
THE worst kept secret in recent TV history is out — Alex Nation has stolen Richie Strahan’s heart along with his final rose.
And now, three months after exchanging those “I love you’s” when they taped the season finale, the pair are happily showing their affection to the world.
“We’re just really happy,” said Nation.
“I’m excited for people to see us outside of The Bachelor environment. We’re a couple of goofballs who are in love.”
To keep their romance under wraps while the series was on air the pair gave each other code names — Nation’s was Millie from Melbourne, while Strahan chose Chase after Gossip Girl actor Chase Crawford — and conducted their love affair primarily over the telephone.
“We only saw each other a couple of times, maybe four,” said Strahan.
“But we spoke every day.”
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Strahan is yet to meet Nation’s son, five-year-old Elijah and for the moment there’s no plans to change that.
“That will come but we’re not in any kind of rush,” said Nation.
Nor are they in a rush for marriage and more children.
While Strahan gifted Nation with a diamond ring on air, the duo are quick to point out it’s not on her engagement finger.
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“We’ve just come off the back of this wild ride and it’s really important to work on my relationship with Alex,” said Strahan.
“You have to have a solid foundation before you start getting down on one knee.”
“Rich and I are not there yet,” added Nation.
We want to enjoy this chapter first before we go on to the next.”
Nation has been the subject of negative comments from some Bachelor fans with many upset that she outlasted fan favourite Nikki Gogan on the show.
And while both Strahan and Nation said that they have been doing their best to laugh off any critics, Strahan admitted there were times it got under his skin.
“It’s frustrating because I’m a guy and I’m protective,” he said. “But you know what, she can be my stage five clinger any time. She makes a good jetpack.
“To be honest, I haven’t struggled with too much. After we finished filming, every day that I’ve had Alex in my life I’ve been so happy. I’ve never felt like this or been this happy before.”