
The Real Housewives of Sydney episode 10 recap: A drama-filled season finale

The Real Housewives of Sydney come together for one drama-filled party ahead of next week’s reunion – here’s our full recap.

Terry Biviano talks about being late and cucumbers | J.Mo's dive into Real Housewives of Sydney

The Sydney Housewives are back on home turf this week – the others have returned from their TTT (traumatic Tokyo trip), and Victoria’s back from her European holiday.

She’s busy regaling her family with stories of what she got up to (in short: an intense basting and tanning routine on par with a Christmas turkey) – and boy, don’t they just look fascinated:

“Please, tell us more about your traumatised skin cells”
“Please, tell us more about your traumatised skin cells”

Victoria brags that she zipped around Lake Como on a boat that “took us to George Clooney’s house and to Richard Branson’s house!” I love the “I am close personal friends with George Clooney” intimation here, when it’s more likely she peered at their manor from afar until Amal called security.

Across town, Caroline’s having some sort of beauty procedure that involves having balls brushed against her chin.

After that UV swing in episode one, you have to admire her unwavering commitment to making anti-ageing treatments feel uncomfortably sexual:

My eyes are down here, boys
My eyes are down here, boys

They might be back in Sydney, but everyone’s still stewing about the drama that filled their Tokyo trip of the past few episodes.

Nicole stops by Victoria’s to fill her in on what she missed in Tokyo: Terry being late, Terry not being on time, Terry’s tardiness, etc etc. Nicole’s also upset that Terry seems to be siding with Kate in their arguments, rather than her older friends in the group.

“I mean, I’ve known you for years, and I only saw you naked in Killcare,” Victoria offers. It doesn’t seem to have much to do with anything, but it does beg the question: Where was that scene during their Killcare trip earlier in the season? Give us Real Housewives of Sydney: Uncut!

Next time I interview the Sydney Housewives I'm going to turn up 10 minutes late just to see if Nicole hits me
Next time I interview the Sydney Housewives I'm going to turn up 10 minutes late just to see if Nicole hits me

Kate and Terry meet for a picnic, where Kate says she’s nervous about seeing arch nememis Victoria for the first time in a while: “There’s certainly some... simmering holes,” she notes, an analogy that is as bewildering as it is visceral.

Talk then turns to single Kate’s “type.” She admits to Terry that she’s been developing some awkward work crushes of late.

“It happens to me quite a lot during surgery – I look at them and I think, ‘Oh man, I could so f**k you right now.’”

I know what you’re thinking because I thought it too: Kate’s a vet. Oh god, oh god, oh god, Kate’s a VET.

Before you call the RSPCA, rest assured she is referring not to her patients but to her fellow vet surgeons (and what a fun episode this must be for anyone who’s been in the operating theatre with her).

You know you've said a clanger when ‘workplace sexual harassment’ is the better of the two interpretations
You know you've said a clanger when ‘workplace sexual harassment’ is the better of the two interpretations

To see out the season, the ladies are holding something they’re calling a “No Place Like Home Event” – for us plebs, that’s dinner and drinks in the city.

Victoria says that, while she’s nervous about seeing some of the women after her European holiday, she’s going to approach the event “Victoria Montano style: with a f̶u̶r̶ plan.”

Kate has hired a fortune teller for the event. Her name’s Terri, she’s rocking a Camilla kaftan and some Off Ya Tree tarot cards, and she is the best psychic dinner party guest on Real Housewives since Allison Dubois (know that).

I want Terri to tell me how I’ll die
I want Terri to tell me how I’ll die

“So what’s going on in your love life?” she asks Kate, which – I don’t know Terri, shouldn’t you be telling us that?

Drawing her cards, she offers Kate some incredibly specific, actionable advice. Here’s a sample: “That’s the ‘Freedom’ card. Your choices are your choices, and you have the freedom to make any one you want. The sun says this will be a successful journey for you …. OK?”

Listening intently, Terry Biviano’s got chills: “This is SPOT. ON.”

Jackie Gillies watches on from home, choking on her glass of La Mascara.

Across the party, Victoria sits down for an end-of-season, let’s-try-and-wrap-this-up-nicely chat with Kate where they finally agree to put their differences aside and attempt a friendship: I save animals, you skin animals, really we’re not so different after all?

Through gritted teeth and while shooting looks of absolute disdain for each other, they vow to forge a new path as friends.

‘We have so much in common: We both hate each other...’
‘We have so much in common: We both hate each other...’
Best fur-iends 4eva
Best fur-iends 4eva

Nicole then tries to mend the rift with Terry by giving her the gift of a framed group photo from their Tokyo trip. Terry thinks it’s a “lame” gift without an apology, and is heard complaining to a producer off-camera.

“SHE did the wrong thing. I’ve apologised, she will never apologise,” she vents to a producer off-camera, in another hot mic moment (oh how we love those).

Nicole grabs her for a chat to try and diffuse the situation, but then they’re both arguing in front of the everyone about which of them is actually in the wrong. Is it ruder to be rude, or ruder to point out the other person’s rudeness?

Loving Terry's late-season campy villain arc
Loving Terry's late-season campy villain arc
She wants something nobody should reasonably expect from a Real Housewife: Punctuality
She wants something nobody should reasonably expect from a Real Housewife: Punctuality

So here we are, folks. The climactic conflict of the whole season and it’s about someone running late for a trip to the shops an episode ago. Who said this show was petty!

Nicole says she was genuinely annoyed at having had to wait “an hour and a half”. Viewers with an eye for detail will note that Nicole’s stated wait time has doubled since last week’s episode. Damn inflation.

As the clock winds down, Nicole tries to end the season with a resolution, offering Terry an apology if she came across as aggressive in Tokyo.

“I appreciate your apology,” says Terry, as the others breathe a sigh of relief.

“But … it was forced,” she shrugs.

Everyone groans. The last vestiges of Sally’s hope disappear, right there on camera:

Stop it, stop it, you’re going to make her swear again!
Stop it, stop it, you’re going to make her swear again!

Next week: Joel Creasey hosts The Real Housewives of Sydney’s reunion, where each of the cast members will have one last opportunity to wring more drama out of the season.

Will Terry turn up late? Will Victoria wear fur? Will Sally swear a second time, now that she’s developed a taste for it? All will be revealed next week...

The Real Housewives of Sydney’s reunion episodes airs next Tuesday on Binge and Foxtel.

You can also listen to the official Real Housewives of Sydney podcast.

Read related topics:MelbourneSydney

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