

The Bachelor 2020 finale: Locky chooses Irena over Bella

He said he loved them both, but Locky just picked his winner - after a brutal dumping that saw his runner-up flee the show in fury.

Locky sweaps Irena off her feet (The Bachelor)

As The Bachelor drew to a close, Locky was faced with an impossible decision: How do you pick a winner when you've admitted you're "in love with both of them"?

Well, you could just not pick (did somebody say "Bach throuple"?). But this is reality TV, so Locky was forced to make a very difficult choice.

And in the end, he picked Irena - after building Bella up all finale with sweet nothings and more than a few "I love you's". Bella wasn't too happy when she found out she'd been dropped in the final minutes of the finale.

Poor guy is going through it.
Poor guy is going through it.

We've been liveblogging all the action below as it happened tonight:

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