Kanye West called Sam Burgess ‘poor’ during dinner with Russell Crowe
Former NRL star Sam Burgess has opened up about a “weird night” he had with Kanye West and Russell Crowe in London.
Sam Burgess was called “poor” by Kanye West during a “weird night” out in London, the former NRL star has revealed.
Burgess was dining with Russell Crowe at a restaurant in London a few years ago when Kanye West asked the Gladiator star if he could join them.
Speaking to Nova’s Fitzy and Wippa today, Burgess recalled: “We were just sitting there having dinner and the drinks were flowing as usual as when we’re together, me and Rusty.
“Kanye just walked in the room and sat down. I didn’t think it was Kanye at the start because he was so small. I couldn’t believe it.”
RELATED: Russell Crowe reveals how Sam Burgess upset Kanye
Burgess said that Kanye brought his laptop with him and started showing him and Crowe some projects that he had been working on.
“He was showing me the new Yeezy stuff that he’d designed. He’d just been at Paris Fashion Week,” Burgess said. “I’m going, ‘That’s cool. What’s your inspiration?’ He said, ‘Oh, I’m making clothes for poor people, just like you!’”
Burgess was a bit taken aback at being referred to as poor and he told Nova’s Fitzy and Wippa that it was Kanye who seemed more out of place in the restaurant than him.
“He (Kanye) ordered two chocolate cakes and he was slurping these chocolate fondant cakes and I’m watching him eat his cake going, ‘What a peasant!’” Burgess joked.
“He called me a ‘poor guy’ and I’m watching him eat chocolate cake like he’s never eaten it before!”
Burgess said Kanye had “such a creative mind” and revealed that the rapper mentioned his plans to develop a 3D theatre.
“He was telling me he pitched it to Apple and said that Apple don’t know what they’re doing, so he pitched it to Samsung,” Burgess said. “I’m half geeing him up, I’m going, ‘Yeah man, that’s a great idea! You’re the best. You’re so smart, Kanye, keep going!’”
Burgess was seated next to Kanye and at one stage during the dinner he got a look at the rapper’s screen.
“Emails kept popping up from Kim Kardashian,” the former footy star said. “I was so close to reaching over and clicking on it. I wanted to see what she was writing to him while I was sat there. She might have been sending him a picture.”
There was also a minor incident at the dinner when Kanye played Crowe and Burgess his song Four Five Seconds which was yet to be released.
Crowe was interviewed on Nova’s Fitzy and Wippa yesterday and he revealed that the rapper became annoyed when Burgess started singing along with the song but got the lyrics wrong.
When asked about it on radio this morning, Burgess said: “I was pretending to like it and I was signing along to it, totally wrong, out of tune, offbeat, different words.
“I was having a good old time but I think I must have offended Kanye somewhere,” he laughed.
After the dinner, Burgess said Kanye “disappeared” before he and Crowe decided to have more drinks in the penthouse suite at The Dorchester Hotel.
“A few other people came along,” Burgess said. “Brian McFadden came along, the whole of the Made In Chelsea crew came, Ronan Keating was in town, Nicole Kidman.”
Burgess told Fitzy and Wippa that his encounter with Kanye was “hilarious” and referred to the star as “such a character”.