
Jackie O reveals ex experienced adverse reaction to Pfizer vaccine

The radio host revealed on Kyle and Jackie O this morning that her ex-husband was “in a bad way" after experiencing a very rare reaction to the Pfizer vaccine.

Jackie O says her ex-husband Lee Henderson suffered a rare adverse reaction to the Pfizer vaccine. Picture: Instagram
Jackie O says her ex-husband Lee Henderson suffered a rare adverse reaction to the Pfizer vaccine. Picture: Instagram

Jackie O has revealed on air that her ex-husband, Lee Henderson, is “in a bad way” after suffering a rare side effect of the Pfizer vaccination against Covid-19.

In an interview with NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian on TheKyle and Jackie O Show this morning, the radio host explained that Henderson had experienced the same rare condition as Channel 7 reporter Denham Hitchcock, who was hospitalised last month with pericarditis.

The illness causes the tissue surrounding the heart to become inflamed.

“You’d be aware what has happened to Denham Hitchcock, and my ex-husband has had the same thing. He’s been in hospital and really, really in a bad way after the second Pfizer (shot),” Jackie told the Premier.

Jackie O with her ex-husband Lee Henderson and their daughter, Kitty. Picture: Instagram
Jackie O with her ex-husband Lee Henderson and their daughter, Kitty. Picture: Instagram

She then pointed out that it was up to her ex-husband – from whom she amicably split in 2018 – to report his reaction to the vaccine as it wasn’t automatically done by the hospital.

“I wasn’t aware of that Jackie, and I’ll take that on board,” Ms Berejiklian responded.

“We find out (about these issues) because the federal authority puts out a statement if there’s any adverse reactions to the vaccine.”

Jackie – who made it clear she is “pro-vax” and has herself been vaccinated – added that doctors aren’t always “a hundred per cent sure” pericarditis is caused by the vaccine.

The extremely rare side effect impacts about one in 74,000 people who receive the Pfizer vaccine. In overseas studies, according to advice from Australia’s Department of Health, it particularly impacts males under 30 years of age after they’ve received their second dose.

With Delta outbreaks in three of Australia’s states and territories, the benefits of protection against Covid-19 far outweigh the tiny risk of possible side effects from getting the jab.

Executive director of the Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute, Professor Jason Kovacic, told that instances of myocarditis and pericarditis after receiving the Pfizer vaccine occur “only very, very rarely”.

“About 60 people per one million can get myocarditis with the mRNA vaccines (Pfizer and Moderna) and it is generally a mild, short-lived illness. These complications cause inflammation of the heart muscle or inflammation of the lining around the heart muscle,” Professor Kovacic explained.

“These complications have been reported in just a handful of people around the world and to the best of our knowledge most of them have recovered. In contrast, risk of having some of heart complications if you contract Covid-19 is about 1000 times higher at five to 10 per cent.”

Hitchcock shared his experience of contracting the rare side effect in an Instagram post shared late last month.

He admitted he’d “battled over whether” to share his experience or not, “but decided after 27 years of being a journalist who’s primary goal is to discover the truth – it would be hypocritical not to”.

“I’m NOT anti-vax. But I’m really not pro vax either. I’m pro choice – and pro information to make that choice. Above all I’m PRO opening the bloody country up and to do that I don’t see any way around getting the majority of Australia vaccinated. So I got the Pfizer shot,” Hitchcock said.

“The first week was like any vaccine. Feeling off. But nearing the end of the second week my heart started to race, I was getting pins and needles in the arms, extreme fatigue and a very strange sensation of dizziness. I took Nurofen, and I kept working.

“By the end of the third week I was getting steadily worse – sharp chest pain – cold shivers and chills – and the dizziness was intense. 25 days after the shot and probably a little late to hospital – but here I am – diagnosed with pericarditis – or inflammation of the heart due to the Pfizer vaccine.”

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