Block stars Kristy and Brett’s live radio confrontation backfires
Block ‘villains’ Kristy and Brett confronted a radio host on-air – but it backfired spectacularly when he confessed he didn’t know who they were.
Controversial Block couple Kristy and Brett used a radio interview this morning to confront one of the hosts about his negative coverage of them – only for it to backfire spectacularly when he revealed he didn’t even know who they were.
The couple appeared as guests on The Fox’s Fifi, Fev & Nick today, with co-host Fifi Box noting that they were the latest in a long line of The Block personalities to join them on the show this season.
Most recently, Kristy and Brett’s landscaper Dan, called in to the radio show to vent about the couple after viewers watched them have an explosive fight on screen.
Box said that “in the spirit of fairness and a right of reply,” she wanted to give Kristy and Brett a chance to defend themselves, and explain whether they thought they’d been misrepresented as the bad guys of The Block.
But it seems their beef was with Fifi, Fev and Nick instead.
Brett said that airing the call from their landscaper was an example of the radio show “steering a narrative” of “hate” against them.
“You’ve called us venomous on this show, you’ve called us bad people on this show … it’s very apparent what you want people to think of us,” he told the hosts.
He also questioned whether their landscaper really had called the show of his own accord, claiming the show had contacted their builder seeking in interview.
Kristy claimed their builder was not put on air as he had only nice things to say about them.
Box then jumped in with a question.
“Hang on, I will pull you up. I’ve got to be honest, who in this room have called you venomous or bad guys? Because I don’t think those words came from us,” she said.
Brett named co-host Nick Cody as the culprit – which immediately earned a knowing laugh from all three co-hosts.
Cody quickly explained why.
“Mate, I’ve actually never seen a frame of that show and I couldn’t care less,” he said. “People arguing over building a house? I couldn’t care less. I haven’t heard a second of it. That’s the most hurtful thing anyone’s ever said – accusing me of watching The Block!”
Brendan Fevola confirmed that his co-host generally remained silent and looked at his phone whenever Block contestants were interviewed on the show: “He doesn’t give a s**t about you guys,” he told them.
Later on in the show, the truth was revealed: It was Fevola who had called the couple “venemous” during a previous episode. But he insisted he was just repeating what other Block contestants had said about them during an appearance on the show
Later on in the interview, the couple once again spoke out against Block rivals Eliza and Liberty, who previously said they’d be upset if Kristy and Brett walked away from auction day with more money than them.
“They said they need therapy if we win more money – do you know how spiteful that type of cr*p is?” Brett said of the sisters. “They are ruining the experience for everyone else.”
Read related topics:The Block