
Power behind the thrones

EPIC fantasy saga-spinner George RR Martin brings his game changer, A Game of Thrones to the screen.

George RR Martin
George RR Martin

IT WAS 1996 when American author George RR Martin unveiled A Game of Thrones, the beginning of the A Song of Ice and Fire cycle of epic yet gritty fantasy novels.

Set in the meticulously detailed land of Westeros, roughly analogous to medieval Europe, the book and its sequels chronicle the struggle of a vast cast of characters caught up in a frenzied, complex war over a claim to the crown.

A long, bitter winter is about to grip the land, and while the lordlings squabble over territory, a sinister force is massing to the north behind a giant wall of ice.

A Game of Thrones was a game-changer for the genre. Nowhere was that more evident than in the character that undoubtedly won Martin, now 62, legions of fans: Tyrion Lannister.

Tyrion is perhaps the unlikeliest "hero" in fantasy literature. He's a dwarf - but not one of a race of bushy-bearded, axe-swinging miners like Tolkien's Gimli.

No, Tyrion was simply born with dwarfism, the runt of the litter in a ruthless noble family that mock him as "The Imp" or "Halfman". He's an intellectual in a world ruled by strong sword-arms, always ready with a pithy quip or searing put-down. He's disfigured, cynical, cruel, and addicted to whoring - and Martin says he's the easiest character of them all to write.

"Tyrion has always come the easiest," admits the New Jersey-born Martin from New Mexico, where he makes his home these days. "I like his wit and his way of looking at the world. He may be the character closest to my way of seeing things - except Tyrion is a lot quicker than me. The witticisms he tosses off at a moment's notice take me weeks to come up with."

This week, Tyrion returns to the page after a decade in limbo, as Martin's long-awaited fifth book in the saga, A Dance With Dragons, hits book stores. So sprawling is his opus that the fourth book in the series, 2006's A Feast For Crows, had to omit certain key characters and let others take centre stage for a while. This means the last time we saw Tyrion was in 2000, at the end of book three.

"I think he's in a very dark place in A Dance With Dragons and that made his chapters a little rougher to write," Martin says.

Martin embarked on his career as an author in the early 1970s, penning mostly sci-fi, fantasy and horror short stories. In the '80s he worked in Hollywood as a television screenwriter for some years, scripting shows like Beauty and the Beast and the reincarnation of The Twilight Zone. When it came time to write A Song of Ice and Fire, he decided the best way to tell the tale would be to invite the reader to crawl inside the heads of some of the denizens of Westeros, marrying a tight, close, third-person style with multiple point-of-view characters.

"That's the way we perceive the world," Martin muses. "We look through one set of eyes. We don't shift around into other people's heads and know what they're thinking. So if we're walking in the street, or sitting in a restaurant, or even going to war, we're going to see through our own eyes and hear only what we can hear. That's the best way to tell a story. But the multiple points of view give me the all the advantages of omniscient narration, but none of the flaws. I can have two or three different vantage points of the same occurrence and convey the idea that different people look at the same events in different ways."

Martin is known for writing dark, flawed characters, some of whom teeter on the edge of being awful human beings - sociopathic, scheming scoundrels who make the Borgias look like the Brady Bunch. However, he claims it's surprisingly easy to write them if you remember they're only human.

"When I put on the skins of these characters I really get inside them and have considerable empathy for them, even the people who are close to irredeemable or flawed," he says. "They're still human beings and they're driven by the motivations that drive the heroic characters -- they just act on it differently. All human beings are grey, it's just a matter of degree. We all have it in us to be heroic on Tuesday and villainous on Wednesday. We all have things in our lives we can look back on and be proud of, but also things we've done or failed to do that we're ashamed of."

The last two books in the series have taken about six years to crystallise from Martin's imagination on to the page. Speaking to him, it becomes apparent why. Not only is he a man with many other projects on the boil, he doesn't believe in skimping on the details.

He says he devours history books about the medieval period, the Dark Ages and the Renaissance, anything to make his world feel authentic. The feuding families of Stark and Lannister recall those of York and Lancaster, the houses that tore England asunder during the Wars of the Roses in the 15th century.

"They say the devil is in the detail," Martin muses, "and if you get the detail right the world will seem alive, and if you get the detail wrong you'll jar your reader and kick him out of the story. I read everything I can get my hands on about castles and knights and tournaments, all the way through to medieval cookbooks. Anything to get that sense of verisimilitude in there."

In fact, so succulent and precise are Martin's descriptions of medieval banquets that two women in Boston are currently working on a cookbook inspired by the recipes of Westeros.

This year, Martin's world has opened up to a new slew of instant fans as the television adaptation of A Game of Thrones airs on Foxtel.

The author's quirky characters have been shepherded onto TV by showrunners and screenwriters David Benioff and D.B. Weiss, but Martin has been heavily involved and consulted at every step. With casting, for instance, all three were agreed from the start that Peter Dinklage was the only actor capable of playing Tyrion. They all knew they wanted Sean Bean for the part of Lord Ned Stark, perhaps the most heroic character Martin created.

"Also. we had three major roles for children that were serious dramatic roles," Martin says, "not the usual things kid actors are called upon to do -- mug and look cute and deliver a few zingers in situation comedies. Our kids were required to act in some pretty heavy emotional scenes showing grief and rage and love and despair. Luckily, we struck gold."

Despite the flawless casting, Martin describes giving up complete control of his creation as "nerve-racking".

"There's an article of faith there. You're putting your child in the hands of someone else," Martin says. "I feel like a mother sending her children off to kindergarten for the first time -- what kind of teacher are they going to get? What are they going to do to your child there? But fortunately I've been very lucky. The showrunners love the books and they're telling a television version of my story, not just changing things for the sake of it."

The first episode of the show instantly garnered the acclaim and fanbase to be greenlit for a second season within 48 hours of airing. Martin himself wrote one of the 10 episodes, and says he is currently wrestling manfully with a script for a second season episode - one which contains a massive naval battle. Of course he's now fettered by television budgets, and no longer has the luxury of sinking a score of ships with a wave of his pen. Adapting and revisiting his own work, he confesses, is hard.

Not only that, but Martin is relentlessly cruel to his characters. His world is a brutal place of violence and vileness where anyone is vulnerable. When A Game Of Thrones was first published, Martin foisted such unspeakable ills on his protagonists that he was barraged by letters from irate, shocked fans. One of these cruel fates in particular - and when you watch the show, you'll know which - has been particularly hard to revisit, he says.

"That's something I did 15 years ago, and there was a certain amount of outrage from people back then, but to suddenly feel the reaction from millions of new people and the impact it's had on them has been startling," Martin says.

With the show having now aired in many countries, Martin reports a spike in book sales. He's days away from his US book tour for A Dance With Dragons and confesses to being apprehensive at the possibility of being overwhelmed by sheer numbers of newcomers to Westeros.

"I got a taste of that at my signings in Eastern Europe last week," he says. "There were 1000 people at each of our Polish signings and at one in Slovenia we had 2000 people. That's astonishing. I didn't know that there were 2000 people in Slovenia."

With the runaway success of the show, Martin finally has to contend with one thing he never really had to before -- a deadline for finishing the saga. He estimates it would take the showrunners six seasons to work their way through the plotlines he's already put on paper, giving him six years to wrap up the final two of his seven planned novels.

"In broad strokes, I know the ending and I know the fates of the principal characters. There are a lot of secondary and tertiary characters whose fates I will discover along the way. But I have a huge head start on (Benioff and Weiss)," he laughs. "Who knows that we're going to run that long, anyway? You never know with television. Will our ratings hold up, will foreign sales hold up? We can only go one book at a time, one episode at a time, so I'll continue to work, and hope."

A Dance with Dragons by George RR Martin is published by HarperCollins, $39.99.

A Game of Thrones airs Sundays at 8.30pm on Showcase, from July 17.

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