

Natalie Barr, Ally Langdon blow up at Scott Morrison, Barnaby Joyce

With days to go before the federal election, breakfast television hosts have hit out at the Prime Minister and other senior politicians.

Debate between Barnaby Joyce and Tanya Plibersek descends into chaos (Sunrise)

A fiery morning of breakfast television has put MPs under the grill and left presenters shaking their heads at the performance of leaders from across the political spectrum.

The Prime Minister came under fire from Today show host Ally Langdon, who asked to explain “how he really feels” about Australians given much of his re-election pitch assumes voters are weak without his leadership.

Mr Morrison has pitched himself as the “strong leader” Australia needed to get through the Covid-19 pandemic, and throughout the federal election campaign has warned against steering off course and voting in a Labor government.

Langdon put it to Mr Morrison whether Australians really needed him.

“What you’ve said during the pandemic is … we needed your strength, your protection, and now in a time of opportunity we need your encouragement, facilitation and enthusiasm. Do you really feel that way about the Australian people? Are we really that helpless?” Langdon asked.

Mr Morrison hit back, saying “that’s not what I’m describing”.

Scott Morrison announced his super housing policy at the Liberal party campaign launch in Brisbane on Sunday – six days before the election. Picture: Jason Edwards
Scott Morrison announced his super housing policy at the Liberal party campaign launch in Brisbane on Sunday – six days before the election. Picture: Jason Edwards

“I wouldn’t see it that way at all,” he said.

“Everybody needs encouragement. I believe passionately in the Australian people.”

Langdon interrupted, putting back on him whether he thought Australians “can’t seem to handle any challenge or opportunity without you”.

Mr Morrison said he wants Australians “in the drivers seats of their own lives”.

“We knew when we had to act, but we also knew when we had to get out of the way. That’s what responsible leadership is,” Mr Morrison said.

“Ensuring that Australians can charge ahead, and we’ll be there cheering them on and supporting them in whatever way we can.”

Barnaby and Tanya go head-to-head

Meanwhile, Barnaby Joyce has blown up in an “embarrassing” fiery exchange with Labor MP Tanya Plibersek on Monday morning, as the government and the opposition go head-to-head over housing policies.

Sunrise host Natalie Barr said she “felt sorry for the people of Australia trying to figure out what on earth we are voting for on Saturday” after Mr Joyce and Ms Plibersek both failed to answer key questions on the housing policy.

It comes after Mr Morrison announced in his official campaign launch on Sunday that first home buyers would be able to access a “sensible” part of their superannuation to secure their first home.

Ms Plibersek said “there is a reason John Howard, Peter Costello … and Malcolm Turnbull rejected this policy”.

Barnaby Joyce and Tanya Plibersek clashed on Sunrise.
Barnaby Joyce and Tanya Plibersek clashed on Sunrise.

But Mr Joyce said it was a better policy than the one Labor had put forward, where the government would pay 40 per cent of the house, provided wannabe homebuyers met the income threshold.

Mr Joyce put to Ms Plibersek whether that was taxable or gross income, a question she could not answer and instead hit out at the Deputy Prime Minister.

Mr Joyce became increasingly frustrated by Ms Plibersek’s inability to answer.

“How do you not understand your own policy?” he asked before Ms Plibersek eventually answered.

“It’s the taxable income – I don’t know why it’s so complicated for Barnaby,” she said.

“Someone’s just told her that,” Mr Joyce hit back.

Ms Plibersek said she “felt embarrassed” that Mr Joyce “carries on like that”.

Barr said she felt embarrassed that Australians had two paltry policies to choose from on Saturday.

“I feel sorry for us, because we’ve got to walk into those polling booths and we have to try and work out what on earth we’re voting on,” she said.

Barnaby Joyce was fired up.
Barnaby Joyce was fired up.

Mr Morrison later hit back at criticism that by accessing the scheme, young people would lose out on their super.

He told Barr it would compliment the government’s other policy, which incentives older Australians to downsize in order to open up more homes for young families – a policy the Labor Party actually supports.

Labor does not support the super scheme.

Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce threw his support behind Scott Morrison at the official campaign launch in Brisbane on Sunday. Picture: Jason Edwards
Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce threw his support behind Scott Morrison at the official campaign launch in Brisbane on Sunday. Picture: Jason Edwards

“This is a balanced policy which is dealing … with increasing supply by supporting downsizing, getting more supply to the market and helping young Australians, but applies to people at any age when they buy their own home to get access to their own money,” Mr Morrison told Channel 7.

“The Labor Party opposed this because they don’t treat super like it’s your money – it is your money. You earned it and saved it.

“This helps … people to have a stronger retirement but at the same time not miss out on the opportunity to not wait years and years more.

“It (also) ensures that by having a bigger deposit … it is reducing your mortgage payments … You could save thousands of dollars a year.”

House prices will rise

Superannuation Minister MP Jane Hume has also made a frank admitted that the government’s super housing policy will “bump up house prices”, at least in the short term.

“I would imagine that there would be a lot of people that bring forward their decision to buy a house,” Senator Hume told ABC Radio.

“So I would imagine in the short term, you might see a bump in house prices.

“But that doesn’t play out the long term benefits of more home ownership, fewer people relying on rent.”

When asked if she was comfortable with the possibility that a government policy would drive up house prices even further, Senator Hume said the government’s plan at the end of the day was something she felt confident about.

“I’m very comfortable with having more Australians owning their own home sooner, having the financial certainty and security of owning their own home,” she said.

Senator Hume could not answer the question of whether the government had done any modelling on how the policy would impact the market.

ScoMo says housing spike only ‘in isolation’

Mr Morrison has hit out at the Labor Party for not supporting his super home buying scheme, calling their opposition an attack on Australians.

As the Prime Minister spruiked his plan to allow first homebuyers access to their superannuation to help purchase their home while in southeast Queensland, Mr Morrison said unlike the Labor Party the coalition wanted Australians to “be in control of your own money”.

“I’m so surprised the Labor Party don’t support this,” Mr Morrison said.

“What could possibly be wrong with letting Australians use their own savings to buy the most important asset they will ever own in their lives.”

The local candidate for Blair – Sam Biggins – who comes from the real estate industry threw his support behind the government’s plan.

“I like the fact that it improves accessibility for that demographic (of first homebuyers) to get into their own home, it means they’re the masters of their own domain,” Mr Biggins said.

“It’s their money going into their house that they control. It helps stimulate the economy.”

Mr Morrison was asked about his Superannuation Minister Jane Hume warning the policy would result in a short-term spike in house prices.

He said the government had “thought carefully about the policy”, and when paired with their downsizing initiative would benefit the economy.

“When taken together … and Jane was referring to the policy in isolation, when taken together … it’s quite marginal,” Mr Morrison said.

Read related topics:Scott Morrison

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