
House of the Dragon episode five recap: Ominous message hidden in dress

When a seemingly joyous occasion is interrupted, the dress worn by one major character says everything. WARNING: Spoilers.

House of the Dragon episode 3 recap

SPOILER WARNING: We shall be discussing the events of House of the Dragon’s fifth episode. If you haven’t caught up yet, stop reading!

First, as usual, let’s sum up the situation at the end of the previous episode.

Rhaenyra took a little excursion into the streets of King’s Landing with her uncle Daemon. The pair ended up in the depths of a brothel, where they did some pashing and groping, though Daemon stalked off in a huff before it went any further.

A spy working for Mysaria – Daemon’s former paramour, now known as “the White Worm” – spotted Rhaenyra. Word made it back to the Hand of the King, Otto Hightower, who then told King Viserys about his daughter’s alleged misconduct.

Meanwhile Rhaenyra took care of her sexual frustration with her bodyguard, Ser Criston Cole, who as a member of the Kingsguard is sworn to chastity.

Confronted by Queen Alicent, with whom she had just begun to reconcile, Rhaenyra lied, swearing on the memory of her dead mother that Daemon “never touched” her. She also strongly implied her that “virtue”, as they call it here, remained intact.

Believing her friend, Alicent vouched for her to the king.

Viserys, meanwhile, confronted Daemon and exiled him from the city before ordering Rhaenyra to marry Corlys Velaryon’s son, Laenor. She agreed, on the condition that her father sack Otto as Hand.

The episode ended with Rhaenyra in her chambers reading. The Grand Maester surprised her with a “tea”, brewed by order of the king, which would remove any “complications” – a sure sign that Viserys did not believe her denials.

And with that, on to the recap of episode five.

A lovely view in an otherwise not lovely episode. Picture: Foxtel/Binge/HBO
A lovely view in an otherwise not lovely episode. Picture: Foxtel/Binge/HBO

The episode begins with Daemon, wearing a comically oversized hood, callously murdering his wife Rhea Royce. Thoughts and prayers are with all the Daemon stans out there.

Rhea does go out with a deliciously well-aimed insult, telling her husband she knew he “couldn’t finish”. Perhaps this strikes a nerve, given the … troubles with which we have seen Daemon wrestle on multiple occasions now.

He caves Rhea’s head in with a rock. Thankfully, that happens off screen.

Rhea, we barely knew thee. Picture: Foxtel/Binge/HBO
Rhea, we barely knew thee. Picture: Foxtel/Binge/HBO

Back in King’s Landing, the now former Hand of the King Otto Hightower is preparing to leave. He shares one last conversation with his daughter. It includes a key quote.

“The king will die. It may be months or years, but he’ll not live to be an old man. And if Rhaenyra succeeds him, war will follow. The realm will not accept her, and to secure her claim, she’ll have to put your children to the sword. She’ll have no choice. You know it. You’re no fool, and yet you choose not to see it. The time is coming, Alicent. Either you prepare Aegon to rule, or you cleave to Rhaenyra and pray for her mercy.”

And with those comforting words, he exits the capital.

One tiny detail worth noting: As her father rides off, we see Alicent once against chewing her fingernails. It’s been a sign of her anxiety throughout the show so far.

A short time later, Alicent is in the gardens when she comes across Larys Strong, son of Lyonel Strong, who has replaced Otto as Hand. Through Larys, she learns about the “tea” King Viserys sent to Rhaenyra’s chambers at the end of the previous episode.

Meanwhile Viserys and Rhaenyra have travelled to Driftmark, the island seat of House Velaryon, to formally propose a marriage between the princess and Corlys Velaryon’s son Laenor.

The king looks unhealthy and extremely fed up with life.

Viserys’ fed up face. Picture: Foxtel/Binge/HBO
Viserys’ fed up face. Picture: Foxtel/Binge/HBO

Corlys agrees to the marriage. In conversation, Rhaenyra and Laenor agree to do their “duty” to the realm, while “dining as they see fit”. In other words, Laenor gets to keep his paramour Joffrey, and Rhaenyra gets to keep her lover, Criston Cole. Everybody’s happy.

Well not everybody, actually. Criston, it transpires, is not on board with the plan. Lovestruck, he tries to get Rhaenyra to run away with him, without success.

Criston is about to become a much less sympathetic character, so while we have the chance, let’s highlight a quote that explains his stance.

“I took an oath, as a knight of your kingsguard. An oath of chastity. I’ve broken it. My sword, my white cloak, it’s the only thing I have to my f***ing name. I thought, if we were married, I might be able to restore it,” he says.

Criston broke his oath of chastity to, ahem, be with Rhaenyra. He has convinced himself that absconding with her will restore his honour. She has no interest whatsoever in that. This is not a recipe for an amicable break-up.

Rhaenyra and Laenor reach their accord. Picture: Foxtel/Binge/HBO
Rhaenyra and Laenor reach their accord. Picture: Foxtel/Binge/HBO

When Viserys’ ship returns to King’s Landing, Alicent summons Criston. She intends to interrogate him about the rumours concerning Rhaenyra and her uncle, Daemon. By accident, she stumbles across the revelation of Rhaenyra’s little affair with Criston instead.

This isn’t what Alicent expected to learn, but it confirms her suspicions: Rhaenyra brazenly lied to her in the previous episode.

Criston asks for a death sentence, the alternative being to be gelded and sent to The Wall. Alicent instead dismisses him without punishment. With her father gone, she is beginning to think strategically.

Fast forward to the feast that is intended to precede Rhaenyra and Laenor’s wedding. All the great houses have come to King’s Landing, which brings its own level of awkwardness. But a particularly unwelcome guest shows up: Daemon, who was only recently exiled from the city.

A member of Rhea’s extended family confronts Daemon, accusing him of murdering her. It goes nowhere.

As Viserys rises to address the room, Alicent interrupts, wearing an emerald green dress. Her entrance draws everyone’s attention.

“The beacon on the hightower. Do you know what colour it glows when Oldtown calls its banners to war?” Larys Strong asks his brother, Harwin.

“Green,” is the answer.

Arriving at the high table, Alicent addresses Rhaenyra, frostily, as “stepdaughter”.

This scene is a declaration of war. Whatever affection remained between Alicent and Rhaenyra has been severed.

Alicent in her (symbolically significant) green dress. Picture: Foxtel/Binge/HBO
Alicent in her (symbolically significant) green dress. Picture: Foxtel/Binge/HBO

Three important things happen during the subsequent feasting and dancing.

One: Daemon flirts with Laena Velaryon. Last time we saw her, she was a young child. The courtship is a touch less creepy this time.

Two: Daemon asks Rhaenyra whether her impending marriage to Laenor is what she “really wants”, saying her match will “bore her senseless”.

Three, and most fatefully: Joffrey implores Criston to help him keep Laenor and Rhaenyra’s secrets, revealing that he knows about Criston’s vow-breaking romance with the Princess.

That prompts Criston to lose his damn mind and attack Joffrey in front of everyone, punching him, horrifically, to death.

The episode ends with the marriage of Rhaenyra to a heartbroken Laenor, and with Alicent stopping Criston before he can commit suicide.

MVP of the episode

I suppose the only candidate here is Alicent, who gleans valuable information from Criston and then rallies the Hightowers to her side.

Villain of the episode

Criston. Dude is the personification of a bitter ex-boyfriend, with a mean temper as well.


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