
Security guard quits during TV interview after being confronted by supervisor

A security guard has quit in a dramatic twist during a TV interview after his supervisor confronted him in front of the camera.

Friday, June 28 | Top stories | From the Newsroom

A US security guard has quit during a TV interview after being confronted by his supervisor on camera, which resulted in her claiming it was his own fault he was assaulted at work.

Percy Payne was working his shift at Priebe Security in Texas at 9.30pm earlier this week when surveillance cameras caught two young males entering the on-site private underground carpark.

The men, who he believed to be aged between 17 and 20, were on electric scooters and were able to enter the garage through a door that was apparently stuck open.

When Mr Payne entered the garage, he allegedly found them next to his own vehicle. The men ran off when they saw the security guard, and Mr Payne pursued them in an attempt to reportedly detain them until police arrived.

Security guard quits job during live TV interview

However, things took a turn when the pair allegedly started assaulting Mr Payne, with one of them reportedly trying to run him over with the electric scooter.

The guard claimed he then saw a screwdriver in one of the men’s pockets and that is when he let them go and called the police.

While Mr Payne was recounting these events to FOX 7, his supervisor interrupted and claimed he was not allowed to be wearing his uniform while doing the interview.

“We are very sorry that happened to you,” she said.

“We have a policy, you’re not supposed to do any interviews in your uniform. If you want to do this as a private citizen you can.”

Mr Payne replied that he understood what she was saying, but said the situation was about his personal safety and this was the “only way” his story would get out to the public.

However, things then began to escalate, resulting in the worker quitting on the spot.

After he handed his uniform back to the supervisor, she began yelling at him, saying: “I wouldn’t have touched him. You shouldn’t have touched him”.

When Mr Payne asked the woman if she thought the incident was his fault, she replied: “I would say yes, every bit of it is your fault”.

Percy Pane was giving an interview when he was confronted by his supervisor. Picture: FOX 7
Percy Pane was giving an interview when he was confronted by his supervisor. Picture: FOX 7
He was allegedly assaulted by two young men while on the job.
He was allegedly assaulted by two young men while on the job.

This apparently was all he needed to hear to confirm his decision to quit.

“The fact that my supervisor basically told me it was my fault, that I got assaulted. That let me know all that I needed to know,” he told the new outlet.

FOX 7 spoke to a representative for Priebe Security who reportedly said they were had been made aware of the situation and were in the process of “gathering details”.

It seems Mr Payne was also left less than impressed by the police response.

He claimed that, even after telling the emergency operator he had been assaulted, she said she would not be dispatching police as the suspects had not stolen his car.

After hearing this, he decided to hang up and call back a few minutes later.

“I got a different operator. I told her the situation. She apologised,” he said, adding that the police officer who eventually arrived was very helpful and told him that it would have been “an emergency case”.

The attack is now being investigated as an aggravated assault, according to FOX 7.

A spokesperson for Austin police told the media outlets that they had listened to both emergency calls from Mr Payne and that the situation was “handled correctly and within policy”.

In a statement, the police department said the first call did not meet certain criteria and that is why an officer was not dispatched.

This criteria includes requiring the suspect or suspects to be on the scene or their location known, which was not the case when Mr Payne called.

The security guard did also not require medical attention, reportedly telling the phone operation that he was fine physically but wanted to file a report.

He also did not have his vehicle stolen, with the police saying they would not respond to an attempted car break in or stolen vehicle attempt.

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