Ivan Milat’s brother Paul: Is this Australia’s worst tenant?
THE brother of convicted serial killer Ivan Milat doesn’t pay rent, trashes houses and clashes badly with his landlords, it has been claimed.
THE brother of convicted serial killer Ivan Milat doesn’t pay rent, trashes houses and clashes with landlords, it has been claimed.
A Current Affair revealed Paul Milat has had several clashes with landlords after he stopped paying his rent.
But Milat claims he’s the one who’s being victimised and it’s all because of his last name.
One former landlord Mark Hess told the program Milat “turned into a monster” and refused to pay what he owed.
Mr Hess said Milat left his house trashed with animal waste found in the rooms.
When confronted by ACA, Milat said: “I haven’t paid it and I won’t f****** deny it either.”
Another landlord Clarrie Gibbons said he was forced to call in the lawyers to get Milat off his property, claiming Milat caused up to $60,000 in damages.
“If you stole the amount of money that we’ve lost thought not paying rent, damages or repairs ... if you stole that sort of money you’d be in jail,” he said.
But one landlord, who didn’t want to be identified, said Milat not only refused to pay rent but caused extensive damage which she can’t afford to fix.
She said Milat claimed to be a truck driver called Paul Millar when he applied to rent the home and she only learned later who he really was.
“He said ‘you have no idea who you are dealing with’, and then he told me his name was Milat, and I should be careful,” she said.
The landlords said Milat owed them thousands of dollars in unpaid rent and was only moved after being evicted.