
How Smallville actress Allison Mack showed devotion to Nxivm sex cult

A new documentary has revealed how Smallville actress Allison Mack symbolised her devotion to the leader of sex-slave cult Nxivm.

NXIVM Founder Keith Raniere talks about 'authenticity'

Smallville actress Allison Mack wore a belly chain to symbolise her devotion to the leader of upstate sex-slave cult Nxivm, according to a former member of the group.

The new details of Mack’s involvement in Nxivm — and its twisted, master-slave offshoot where women were branded, starved and forced to have sex with leader Keith Raniere — were revealed in HBO’s new documentary series The Vow, which debuted last week and will air in Australia on Foxtel September 20.

One of the club’s defectors, Star Wars actress Bonnie Piesse, recalled taking a walk with an emaciated Mack before she left the group.

Allison Mack in 2018. Picture: AFP/Getty/Jemal Countess
Allison Mack in 2018. Picture: AFP/Getty/Jemal Countess
Keith Raniere. Picture: YouTube
Keith Raniere. Picture: YouTube

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“She was kind of at her skinniest, she looked like her backbones were sticking out,” Piesse said in the documentary. “But I confronted her and said, ‘I think you’re sick. You’re not eating, like there’s a problem, you need to address it and start eating.’”

The young actress replied that Raniere was measuring her calories, and he’d said that as long as she got her period, she was fine, Piesse recalled.

Then, she dropped a bombshell, according to Piesse.

“And then she says that she’s made a lifetime vow to Keith and I think she said it was a vow of devotion and she lifted up her shirt and showed me her belly chain,” she recalled. “She said, ‘And this is to symbolise the vow that I’ve made.’”

Prosecutors said Mack served as a high-ranking member of the group, known as DOS, and was tasked with recruiting young women as “sex slaves” for Raniere — who had them branded with his initials, forced them to turn over nude photos as “collateral” and sleep with him at his whim.

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Keith Raniere and Allison Mack's initials are allegedly seen here. Picture: YouTube
Keith Raniere and Allison Mack's initials are allegedly seen here. Picture: YouTube

Piesse — who starred as the young Aunt Beru in Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith — and her husband, filmmaker Mark Vicente, fled Nxivm in 2017 after finding out about the secret sex sorority.

The documentary series features extensive video recordings taken by Vicente, offering viewers an inside look into the disturbing cult that billed itself as a self-empowerment group in upstate New York.

Piesse said she was blindsided by Nxivm’s evil side.

“I certainly didn’t understand it, but I didn’t see the darkness that was really there at that point,” she said. “Allison saw Keith as like a guru, a spiritual master and she was very committed to the mission.”

Raniere, the self-styled self-help guru referred to as “Vanguard” by his followers, was convicted last year of racketeering and sex trafficking following a sordid trial in Brooklyn federal court.

Bonnie Piesse in scene from Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones.
Bonnie Piesse in scene from Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones.

Other Nxivm members — including Mack and Seagram’s heiress Clare Bronfman, who bankrolled the group — have pleaded guilty to their involvement in the cult.

Bronfman faces up to 27 months in prison at her sentencing on September 30.

Prosecutors, meanwhile, want Raniere sentenced to life, noting his lack of remorse and recent offer of a $US25,000 reward to find holes in his case. He’ll be sentenced on October 27.

Mack’s sentencing was postponed last year and a new date has not yet been set.

This article originally appeared on the New York Post and was reproduced with permission

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